What makes you Happy?

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Just wondering…what is it about your Catholic faith that brings you the most happiness?
Tough question. I am tempted to list things that make me confident about my faith (likethe fact it is the onetrue Christian church) or particular devotions an practices that bring me consolation or elation, but I think your question is what about the faith itself makes me happy and those factors are kind of tangential…

so…what makes me happiest about the faith istelf as a sum is the fact that it is a living faith and diverse and not something that is static or dead or based soley on a book but on the entire life of God (which includes the present) and the concept that the Holy Spirit is still as available to guide us in modernity as it was during the time of the ancients.
The thing about my Catholic faith that makes me happy is the fact I can go anywhere in the world and have a place to go. A place where I can join in the EXACT SAME celebration of sacrifice as I do when I am home.
(not that I have ever been more that a couple hundred miles from home)

No other faith community can claim that.
At this very moment it’s when I see my son serve at the alter during mass. A beautiful sight indeed!

There are so many things about our faith that make me happy…being able to hear, see, smell (incense), & taste the truth at mass every week is truly heaven on earth.:gopray2:

Everything!! Our rich history, our wonderful devotions, the Mass, our wonderful Churches where we can gaze upon the breathtaking architecture and the beautiful statues, the Holy Scriptures read each day at Mass, eucharistic adoration, the fact that we can have our sins forgiven in the sacrament of confession, receiving our Lord in the eucharist, and the list goes on and on. It’s not just one thing that makes me happy, it’s the whole package!!
I am always filled with joy and peace when I’m attending a small, daily mass- less than 20 people- and it’s so cozy and holy and reverant, you just fell the need to cry. I love that…
Right now I would say that it offers me the truth about what the world, God, and life are about so that I can live my life in a way that conforms to reality and will help others the best and help me the best and know about God the best.
Knowing there is the forgiveness of sins and restoration of our friendship with God via confession.
Being “Home” and knowing the truth.
Being forgiven and most very especially…Receiving my risen Lord and savior in the Eucharist. Worshipping Him as I cry out from my soul “My Lord and my God” when He is lifted up at Mass.
Knowing that He knows me through and through and will never desert me and is there to help me walk with Him and become more like Him.

Pax vobiscum,
Bieng newly awake to the churches validity and the feeling of being filled with the Holy Spirit at the Eucharist.I feel like a little kid at Christmas time with all this new stuff. I’m sure there will be many more in time.

Just wondering…what is it about your Catholic faith that brings you the most happiness?
The Real Presence of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The thought that we have the True God inside of us in a physical sense literally.
I’m Catholic becuase I think it’s True. I guess there are astetic things I like - the oldness and the fact that it is frankly the most interesting Christian denomination. I enjoy this (the forum) sort of thing for that reason. The Real Presense docterine is beautiful. But I try not to think about those things too much… I don’t want to be biased in favor of the Church just because it’s cool.

The Chrisitan faith the Church teaches is definately appealing as far as the eternal life thing goes. Again, though, I try to be a little careful of that.

As for happiness? I think God does a lot to bring me joy… but I don’t know what psychological effect the religion in and of itself has on me. It might make me happier than I otherwise would be, but it probably also makes me more stressed out too! Being Christian is difficult, and it gives you a lot to think about… which often, in my case, becomes worrying.
Nothing on this earth makes me happy, if I get to Heaven then I’ll be happy.

We have temporal moments of happiness, but I can’t say it’s bliss.
Children make me happy because I see the face of God in them, and they are the nearest thing to Heaven on earth, for me at least.

But ultimately only God can make us happy, and I long for heaven and hope to see my poor mother and father and relations there.
But not just yet, I have souls to save, and in doing so, hope to save my own.:amen:
I am a new Catholic…lots makes me happy in my faith. But my happiest time is right after Communion. I have a 5 yr old son who loves the Church, prays often with me and is a total joy. (as are my other children, but this is Steven’s story).

So, at 5 Steven is unable of course to take the Host, but each week he accompanies me so that he can get his “blessin” (right on the top of the head even!) When we return to the pew he kneels with me in prayer, and says without fail “Mommy, we feel good now right?”

Watching the Church nurture such a response in a small child, seeing him experience in his own way the mystery and the majesty of the Sacrament, this is a gift that God allows me…

May He bless us all with such a simple faith.
I think that this question is a very important question to ask.
I am in RCIA, having done most of my Bible study from an Evangelical Christian point of view.

First of all, we are not promised happiness in this world. But St. Paul found that he could be content in every circumstance (and he faced an extreme variety of circumstances).

Philippians 4:6-13 (Douay-Rheims) Be nothing solicitous; but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline, think on these things. The things which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, these do ye, and the God of peace shall be with you. Now I rejoice in the Lord exceedingly, that now at length your thought for me hath flourished again, as you did also think; but you were busied. I speak not as it were for want. For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content therewith. I know both how to be brought low, and I know how to abound: (everywhere, and in all things I am instructed) both to be full, and to be hungry; both to abound, and to suffer need. I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.

The keys to contentment are clearly mental – “think on these things”. And what things are we to think about? The spiritual things that Paul has taught us and that he showed through the example of his life. As Catholics, we know to look to the lives of canonized saints to see their “living interpretation” of God’s Word – how they applied scriptural truths to their actual life circumstances.

A dear friend of mine (a non-Catholic) who unfortunately died about nine years ago taught me four ways our mental habits can influence our contentment. Just as we might have good or bad physical habits (going to Mass on Sundays, daily prayer, smoking, nail-biting, etc.), we also have mental habits. So it is important to train our minds so we will have good mental habits. And to reduce and eventually eliminate our poor mental habits. Although Larry was not Catholic, so much of what he taught me is also in Catholic writings.

(1) God considers that we are very important. Jesus died for us. We must realize how important we are in God’s eyes. And in our dealings with others, it helps whenever we confirm that the other person and their needs are important to us. If you ever treat somebody like they are unimportant, you are very likely to see their anger and you may make an enemy.

(2) Dwell on the good things in other people. There is good and bad in everyone. If you dwell on the bad things in others, then you will not be content with that other person. Mother Theresa saw Jesus in the sick, poor and dying in Calcutta, India.

(3) We have enough. Do not continue the mental habit of wanting more. Book 1, Chapter 4 of the “Imitation of Mary” by Alexander De Rouville says “However few our treasures in this world, they are always sufficient; but we can never have too many of the benefits of grace.” I really consider myself quite blessed that I might someday be worthy to have received the book “Imitation of Mary”. Thank you Mary, for answering my recent prayers that I might learn more about your virtues. I also recently got “Mary Day by Day” and St. Louis Grignion de Montfort’s “The Secret of the Rosary”. Many people who are rich according to the world do not see anything else but the things in this world. How much money does it take to be in God’s will? You don’t need more.

(4) Have a giving attitude instead of having a gimme-gimme, get-get attitude. When your relationships with others is based on what you can get from them, you will not be content with those relationships. Because “the greatest of these is Love”. Love requires a sacrifice. Love will last.

Lastly, I suppose praying the Rosary often is as good a place as any to start when it comes to training the mind. When we pray the Rosary, our mind is on spiritual things.

Learn to pray the Rosary if you do not yet know how. If you learn to love the Rosary and like to pray it often, consider joining the Rosary Confraternity. See rosary-center.org/
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