What ministries does your parish offer?

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Hi all! I hope this doesn’t sound hokey, but i’m thinking about starting some sort of new ministry in my parish. we are a smaller parish, and we don’t really have a lot to choose from.DH and i don’t know many people in our parish at all, so we want to meet people, plus grow in our faith. I really don’t have a lot of ideas, we would like something that maybe we could do potlucks at…we don’t really have an organized bible study anymore, because nobody came…so what does your parish offer?
Hi all! I hope this doesn’t sound hokey, but i’m thinking about starting some sort of new ministry in my parish. we are a smaller parish, and we don’t really have a lot to choose from.DH and i don’t know many people in our parish at all, so we want to meet people, plus grow in our faith. I really don’t have a lot of ideas, we would like something that maybe we could do potlucks at…we don’t really have an organized bible study anymore, because nobody came…so what does your parish offer?
My pastor is trying to launch a family ministry. We also have a youth program and a bible study group.

Other parishes have the Knights of Columbus. Maybe your husband might be interested in getting a council started in your parish. Others have a Lectio Diovina group that meditates on and studies the Sunday readings. My old parish in Austin had an AIDS Care Team ministry and a homeless care ministry.
We are a fairly large parish with 7,500 families.
Look here on our home page and on the left click on Organizations. We have about 64 ministries and organizations.
I’m sure you could find something there and if you do you could email them for where to find info on starting one in your parish.

Good Luck,
I will never remember them all…

Pro Life
Social Jusice
CCW (and they have many sub-groups)
Outreach to lapsed Catholics
Adult study groups
Why Catholic
Not enough at our parish, for sure. Our parish has become very fluid with old people dying and newer immigrant community coming in…so it’s hard to maintain old ministries and the newer ones just haven’t connected with the old.
organized and sponsored by this parish:
led by staff (paid or trained volunteers):
Service to liturgy–Mass coordinators, EMHCs, ushers, music
Confirmation and RCIA
apologetics club
adult bible study
adult catechism class
youth group
CCD including Catechist Formation–comprehensive faith formation for adult Catholics
sacramental prep
marriage prep and sponsor couples
Disciples in Mission
in-home prayer groups
Band Practice–training lay people for parish leadership and ownership of lay apostolates

led by parish volunteers, or Catholic organization with a chapter in this parish:
Legion of Mary
Altar Society
St. Joe Club (does parish socials and events)
St. Joseph Brigade (visiting the sick and bereavement ministry)
St. Vincent de Paul - aid to needy, homeless, hurricane victims etc.
That Man is You - spiritual formation for adult men
Pro-Life Outreach

Catholic lay groups that meet here or have a number of parishioners as members:
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Benedictine Oblates
Catholics United for the Faith
Diocesan San Juan Diego Lay Ministry Institute

this is just off the top of my head, there are probably more.

PTO and volunteering in the school as well
For the Kids
K4J ( Kids for Jesus)
CYO baseball, basketball, softball and soccer.
Cub and Boy Scouts ( no Girl Scouts, they support Planned Parenthood at the national level)


Class on Thomistic Philosophy
Beginning Latin
Basic Apologetics
Navarre Bible Study (currently covering Gospel of St. John)
Ladies Altar Society
Legion of Mary
We are a tiny parish (~400 families). We have:

Knights of Columbus
Columban Squires
Catholic Daughters
Jr. Catholic Daughter and Juniorettes
Adult Bible Study
Respect Life Committee
Bereavement Committee (organizes meals after funerals)
Sacrament prep teams
Craft League
Home visitors and ministry to the Senior Citizen Home (including EMHCs)
just wanted to point out that most of the apostolates and ministries active in our parish, other than the obvious related to handing on the Faith and service to liturgy, have been started by lay people, parishioners who saw a need, looked for a way to fill the need, approached the pastor with a plan, and were given the go ahead to proceed. the obvious answer for someone in a parish where not a lot seems to be happening, is to find a way to fill such a need and go for it. as yesterday’s Gospel reminds us, you can walk on water when you work with, for and in Christ.
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