What one is permitted to do on Good Friday

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I am a rock climber who enjoys running as well as keeping up strength and flexibility, particularly during lockdown. Try to exercise daily, but the thought did strike us is it wrong or disrespectful in memory of our Lord to exercise on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day or other days of holy obligation? Could anyone enlighten me as your thoughts and suggestions are most appreciated. Best wishes for a happy and Holy Easter.
It’s not objectively wrong or disrespectful to do things that you enjoy on Holy Days of Obligation, or on Good Friday. While Good Friday is not a Holy Day of Obligation, it IS proper to meditate on the Passion (and it is required to fast and abstain from meat on that day) and make interior preparations for Easter.
As long as you are setting aside time to make devotion, to observe fast and abstinence, and in general make the day holy and be mindful of the passion, I wouldn’t be too distressed about getting a little exercise time in. For the sake of my health I’m making it a point to get an hour of fresh air outside, though I am under doctor’s orders to isolate otherwise. I plan on going on a country walk today.
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As long as you are setting aside time to make devotion, to observe fast and abstinence, and in general make the day holy and be mindful of the passion, I wouldn’t be too distressed about getting a little exercise time in. For the sake of my health I’m making it a point to get an hour of fresh air outside, though I am under doctor’s orders to isolate otherwise. I plan on going on a country walk today.
Keeping the day a bit sober, and even somber during the tre ore (noon to 3 pm, the traditional observance of Christ’s Passion), is the order of the day, but there is nothing against engaging in wholesome and healthful recreation. It is not as though we are Jews observing Yom Kippur.

I would have to vote against such things as listening to joyful music, dancing, or doing anything else festive or things that have a “party” atmosphere (which isn’t going to be possible in the present health emergency anyway).
is it wrong or disrespectful in memory of our Lord to exercise on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day or other days of holy obligation?
I imagine Jesus on the cliff, overlooking the view while struggling with the devil. You can absolutely use your love of rock-climbing in the spirit of prayer, even on a somber day like today.

On a related note, I had a Catholic friend some years ago who told me that she prays the Rosary while running. The rhythm of her feet helps her along with the prayer.

My only caution would be not to over-exert yourself while fasting. Or perhaps you could go for an evening climb and pack some food along.
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