What pc game are you currently playing?

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Hello there!

Just looking for ideas for a good game to start playing now that I have a little bit more time.


EDIT: Perhaps something that is available on STEAM or GOG
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My (adult) daughter loves Stardew Valley. They just issued an update that she says is very good. And it’s on Steam.
Hello! I’ve been playing Roblox and Minecraft but I don’t have Robux 😅 GTA and Assassin’s Creed are superb too and both were available in STEAM.
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Hello there!

Just looking for ideas for a good game to start playing now that I have a little bit more time.


EDIT: Perhaps something that is available on STEAM or GOG
What kind of stuff are you into? How old are you?
I’m 30. I know, a bit too old to be playing games. I played strategy games a lot. But now I’ve been thinking about a good story driven adventure or FPS game. Half life perhaps.
I also hear good things about Metro. But I am okay with playing older games as well. Anyone played System shock?
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Roller coaster tycoon 2. Loved it growing up and still play it. Pharaoh is another really good one and civilization
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I’m 30. I know, a bit too old to be playing games. I play strategy games a lot. But now I’ve been thinking about a good story driven adventure or FPS game.
Not too old. Lots of games now have plots that are definitely meaty enough for an adult. I guess it depends on whether you are looking for something more immersive/deep or just like a quick time waster.

If the later, I’d suggest Fallout: New Vegas or Fallout 4 for RPGs, or Red Dead Redemption 2 for story driven. Both contain some adult themes and violence, as long as you’re cool with that.
By the way, one of the best Adventure game I have ever played was “Sanitarium” from the 1997. Really good at creating the atmosphere and interesting story.
I played Fallout 3, years ago. It is an interesting game.
Yeah, give New Vegas a try. Same idea, better story (IMO). The vibe just works better in an apocalyptic old west. Fallout 3 is still great, but New Vegas is near perfect.

And as I said, if your PC can handle it, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece of the genre.
I am old fashioned, so I like having physical copies of games.
I LOVE The Sims (though, not the politically correct stuff in The Sims 4).
Something so rewarding about…
locking your Sim’s husband in a bathroom with no door, shower, or toilet, until he starves to death for cheating on his wife.
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DCS A-10C Warthog. I’m into flight sims. This one’s been around for awhile, but the realism is phenomenal. Nothing like laying to waste a convoy of tanks with the A-10’s GAU-8/A Avenger 30mm gatling - gun. Just to give you an idea of the realism, below is a video of the startup of an A-10. Like firing up the real thing! 😉

Something so rewarding about…
locking your Sim’s husband in a bathroom with no door, shower, or toilet, until he starves to death for cheating on his wife.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Hey now, it’s not as bad as in some of The Sims games, where Sims will drown because they don’t have a pool ladder.
And also, 60% of people who play The Sims are female, so, if I can only imagine what members of the fairer sex are doing playing it.
Women can be cruel.
(Politically incorrect, I know)
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As someone who is female and LOVES the sims (also hate sims 4 though), I completely agree 😊 I actually scare myself with how creative I can be 😂😂
Crusader Kings 2 and 3 are both my faves.

I also recommend Kingdom Rush if you want something more casual.
I have Pokemon in my pocket at this very moment, so I have to agree.
FYI, I’ll be 33 in March
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