I’m lumping ALL Catholics in the group. Does anyone know what percent of Catholics (USA only) use NFP or no form of birth control? I’m just curious what the number might be. Thanks.
I haven’t attempted to track back to actual CDC statistics – but if this is accurate, it means that no more than about 30% of Catholic women avoid artificial contraception.Today CDC statistics indicate that nationally around 70 percent of women use artificial birth control; statistics for Catholic women suggest a rate between 60 percent and 80 percent, essentially the same as that of the nation at large.
Good for you!! You know, it is quite disgusting that a doctor would suggest such a permanent option if someone is “unsure” whether or not they wanted more children.I went to my doctor today for my annual check up and we got to talking and I told him my wife just had our 5th child, he says are you going to have any more? I said I’m not sure, he said well I can refer you to a good Urologist if you want to get fixed and then he laughed. I said, seems to be working fine to me Doc, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.