What Picture Would You Recommend Florida Put On Its New Pro-Abortion License Plates?
Florida is so much in the abortion news these days. Now comes word the Orlando National Organization for Women has chosen the design for a pro-abortion plate to counter what NOW calls the “notorious” and wildly successful **Choose Life **plate.
(231,608 Florida Choose Life plates have been sold in the seven years it has been available, earning almost $5 million toward adoption support. It currently ranks eighth out of 120 FL specialty plates.)
The pro-abortion plate is entitled, “United for Choice.” Its illustration shows a baby star shooting heavenward from inside the mommy star, pathetic and disgusting.
I can think of many other captions for a pro-abortion specialty license plate. How about you?
Florida is so much in the abortion news these days. Now comes word the Orlando National Organization for Women has chosen the design for a pro-abortion plate to counter what NOW calls the “notorious” and wildly successful **Choose Life **plate.
(231,608 Florida Choose Life plates have been sold in the seven years it has been available, earning almost $5 million toward adoption support. It currently ranks eighth out of 120 FL specialty plates.)
The pro-abortion plate is entitled, “United for Choice.” Its illustration shows a baby star shooting heavenward from inside the mommy star, pathetic and disgusting.
I can think of many other captions for a pro-abortion specialty license plate. How about you?