What Picture Would You Recommend Florida Put On Its New Pro-Abortion License Plates?

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What Picture Would You Recommend Florida Put On Its New Pro-Abortion License Plates?

Florida is so much in the abortion news these days. Now comes word the Orlando National Organization for Women has chosen the design for a pro-abortion plate to counter what NOW calls the “notorious” and wildly successful **Choose Life **plate.

(231,608 Florida Choose Life plates have been sold in the seven years it has been available, earning almost $5 million toward adoption support. It currently ranks eighth out of 120 FL specialty plates.)

The pro-abortion plate is entitled, “United for Choice.” Its illustration shows a baby star shooting heavenward from inside the mommy star, pathetic and disgusting.

I can think of many other captions for a pro-abortion specialty license plate. How about you?


Related if not precisely on topic, I read a man’s story who used to be solidly “pro-choice” who gradually realized how evil it is. He was at the last of their meetings he was ever to attend. They were discussing the rose as the symbol for the pro-life movement and what flower they should adopt for their cause. He couldn’t help himself, he suggested the Venus flytrap and walked out. Maybe that’s the symbol they ought to use on the license plate?
originally posted by PLAL
The pro-abortion plate is entitled, “United for Choice.” Its illustration shows a baby star shooting heavenward from inside the mommy star, pathetic and disgusting.
It has to sell. I hope Florida does a press release telling all what the pro-abortion group is doing. Many would not be happy seeing a baby star leaving the big star during an abortion.
How ironic, the forces of darkness choose stars- sources of light - to illustrate their message. Likewise, how duplicitous it is to drape this logo with the American flag.

Yes, from a strictly graphic point of view it is pretty clever. Nevertheless, from a Christian point of view, it backfires. Jesus said no one lights a lamp to hide it. Abortion does just that: it extinguishes the light of life. The little bright white star tucked inside the large mother star of the pro-abortion logo becomes a huge black hole. And we have all heard of black holes.
the star collapses into itself further forming a black hole. In a way that can be hard to imagine, nothing can stop this collapse if enough matter gets into a small enough space, and the matter collapses to a point of zero height, width, and depth, known as a singularity, in which the matter is so dense it is no longer “matter” in any real sense, but some kind of anomaly in space. Anything that gets too close to this singularity will also collapse into it the same way, whether it is matter, energy or even light itself, which is the fastest thing in the universe. The failure of even light to escape its gravitation is how the phenomenon initially acquired the name black hole.
Because matter and energy which passes this "boundary" can never escape back again, observers outside this invisible “boundary” can neither see inside nor detect what might happen within the interior - it is forever unable to be witnessed.

A black hole of despair is what remains of women after abortion. Everything and everyone who comes close to them suffers. All their goals, achievements and relationships collapse to a point of zero height, width and depth as their lives lose meaning. This is the trauma of post-abortion syndrome. This is the what happens to all the abortion providers and assistants. They become so alienated from their true selves they can no longer see inside nor detect what is happening within their interiors.

Destroying babies is simply a boundary no human being can pass without suffering self-annihilation. Fortunately, people can escape these black holes as thousands have already witnessed in movements such as Silent No More. They have discovered the counterpoint to the black hole of destruction: the Light of Life. Jesus alone restores light where once only darkness reigned.
The pro-abortion plate is entitled, “United for Choice.” Its illustration shows a baby star shooting heavenward from inside the mommy star, pathetic and disgusting.
Oh gosh… I’ve seen this discussed in the paper and saw the image of the plate, but never thought about it in those terms…
UGH… how disgusting and sad… makes me just want to cry.
Here’s the link for what the plate looks like… 😦

UGH… how sad. :crying:

Makes me VERY proud of the tag I have…
OK I keep thinking of new things here. I would have the Klanned Parenthood Abortionist in the foreground also holding a wad of large bills in the same hand as his/her cigarette. I would have him/her kissing the large wad of bills and in the background I would show a large field of crosses for the FL Pro-Abortion Plates.

This would be a much more appropriate logo than they currently have picked.
Here are some FL plates which did not make the cut…

I like that last one with the crosses and the subtitle “choice-45,000,000 served”. Very appropriate I think.
PLAL, thanks for the link to klanned parenthood. I think I may order some of their flyers to give to a good friend of ours. I think he would take them to his church to distribute. It certainly is very thought provoking. At our Mass for Life, the priest giving the homily noted that our only nearby abortion mill was in the poorest, and darkest, section of town. I think he may be interested in these flyers as well.
Florida has too many different license plates already. They have one for every cause imaginable. Crazy state. Nice beaches though.
How about a picture of Nancy Pelosi drinking a can of Coke with the caption “The Choice of a Missing Generation”?
Oh, let’s be realistic.

How 'bout a picture of dismembered human body parts?
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