What Seeds Have Been Planted In You?

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This is meant to be a kind of faith booster for those of us who do not always see the result of the seeds we plant. Has anyone ever planted a seed in you that perhaps they don’t know about, or maybe it was nothing big to them, but it turned into something significant for you? I guess my personal story would be the pastor that came to my church when I was in fourth grade. He was just a really good guy and I looked up to him and idolized him, and through him God placed in my the calling to the priesthood. Now I’m a freshman in college seminary.
Oh yes!

When I was 23 I went to visit the elderly nun who thought me catechism. I took her a beautiful flower arrangement. I was a little hurt when she scooped it up and instead of visiting with me ran off to the church to give it to the Holy Mother and to offer up my life! She could not have given to me or to my flowers a greater honor… but I did not know that at the time. 🙂
This might sound a little silly. I am presently a senior in college. I have changed much in the past few years as I have developed spiritually and mentally. When I was in high school, I wasn’t exactly dissipated; but I wasn’t really religious either. I didn’t really pray a whole lot, and I didn’t really read the Bible a lot until the summer before college.

However, despite this, I remember from 9th-12th grade having to ride the school bus to school every day. As with most high schools, everyone on the bus cursed, talked about sex, drugs, etc. I wasn’t really into all that mostly because I was always working on my schoolwork, or I was working a job after school. I was also fairly resserved then, and still am today. Anyhow, I hated high school and dreaded every hour of it; but on the bus trip to school there was a certain point, just before arriving at school, when I would look through the window and see my church with its cross off in the distance and on top of a hill. I suppose that gave me some strength and let me know that God was with me. I suppose in this case it was God who planted the seed for me which would later become my greater interest in the Catholic faith, and in conforming my life to it. 🙂

An even earlier story was when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old. I went with my parents to a church near Chambersburg, PA to visit a priest who is my dad’s friend. Since the drive there was at least an hour, I took a book along with me: The Guiness Book of Records. When the elderly Fr. saw I had this, he said that he was glad to see me reading and that I should keep it up. I’ve been an avid reader ever since then.

I really wish I had some more faith boosters right now. I suppose that God has given me the friendship of two great priests with whom I talk about the difficult depression I’m going through right now and not being sure what I’m going to do after college. That’s good I suppose.
Hmmm. I’ve been thinking of this lately…

I was born in the South, but my parents were Yankees who weren’t Church-goin folk.

So everynow & then some (Baptist or Protestant) family would offer to take me or one of the other kids to Church along with their kid(s).

Usually I think my parents said no. They were defensive about it 🙂
As I grew up I adopted the attitude that they were “bible thumpers”, etc. :o

However, thruout my conversion period, and since the almost 2 years I’ve been Catholic-- I’ve oftened looked back at a singular event in my childhood and somehow knew that Jesus was indeed, there.

You see, I did go to Church with neighbor folks sometimes. I remember that one time in particular I came home from Church and told my family that I had been saved. I had been saved by our Lord Jesus Christ.

My family responded with some laughter, some anger, and I was deeply disappointed.

Well, it only took me about 30,35 years, but I feel like maybe I made the journey all the way home.

So now I always pray for whichever family it was who took me to Church so long ago, in a world far away.

My neighbor next door who just passed away 2 days ago. He planted seeds of endurance in me and for fighting the good fight to the end Every time I thought I had it bad He always came to mind.This is a Job story.The enemy brought sickness to all of his family[2 boys and a wife].You want to talk about carrying a cross. But at the end I know in my heart Jesus was there at the end to pick him up and show him his room. Praise God.
My best friend, about 18 years ago, was (and is) a lapsed RC. But since she was raised in The Church, and it was all she knew, we would argue religion for hours for fun. I was raised a protestant so we’d whip out the Bibles and go to it with great zeal.

To make a long story short, she planted many seeds in me that sprouted about 7 years ago. I was confirmed in The RCC 8/02. NOW, it’s me trying to plant some seeds in her to return to the Faith of her youth. :gopray2:
My best friend, about 18 years ago, was (and is) a lapsed RC. But since she was raised in The Church, and it was all she knew, we would argue religion for hours for fun. I was raised a protestant so we’d whip out the Bibles and go to it with great zeal.

To make a long story short, she planted many seeds in me that sprouted about 7 years ago. I was confirmed in The RCC 8/02. NOW, it’s me trying to plant some seeds in her to return to the Faith of her youth. :gopray2:
great story, thanks for sharing… 👍
These are really good. I actually have another one. For my apostolic work I visit a nursing home in town. I go there with my friend, another seminarian, and we usually end up only visiting with two people-twin ladies who both have multiple sclerosis. In their endurance, faithfulness, humility, and just-plain common sense, they have taught me so much in the past few months.
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