Hey everyone. This is something that is bothering me about religious freedom laws. I totally sympathize with Christian bakers, photographers, etc who face government penalties for refusing to cater to “gay weddings” because they feel that such events are immoral. I believe that they should have their right to exercise their beliefs protected. But is it possible that some could abuse this right to religious freedom and if so, how can we protect against such abuse? For example, a good use of religious freedom would a pro-life doctor refusing to perform or refer for an abortion. But what if a different doctor chose to exercise his religious freedom by refusing to allow a blood transfusion because he was a Jehovah’s Witness? How can laws protecting religious freedom protect the pro-life doctor while refusing to protect the doctor who is withholding a life-saving treatment based on his religious views? This is the only example I can come up with right now but I am sure there are other examples that could apply as well.