What should I do? I need some advice please

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So I have a sibling with ADHD and I find it quite difficult to be around her very often. I was just wondering is it wrong of me for not wanting to try and hang around this person because I have gotten to the point where I just don’t even wanna see this person for days. I have however tried my best and be nice enough to endure the childish ways in which my sibling acts because of her conditions. Don’t get me wrong I love this person so much and because of that I feel like the best is to stay away because I might get so mad to the point where I might hurt this person emotionally with my angered words. I guess what I’m really asking is, what is the best thing I should do?
Are they aware that they have ADHD? Are they willing to consider the possibility they do? How old are they? I ask, because there may be help both with medical personnel, as well as some of the literature on the matter; Delivered From Distraction by Edward Hallowell, MD and John Ratey, MD comes immediately to mind; but I would think it might be more beneficial to someone at least in their late teens. Both authors have ADHD, so they know whereof they speak.

They also authored Driven to Distraction.

At the beginning of the book Delivered is a couple of pages titled “How to read this book”.
The first sentence is “This is not a textbook”.

And if they cannot read the book, I would encourage you to do so. In addition, for another side of this coin, look at the link below; there are 64 positive aspects of those with ADD and ADHD. It perhaps can give a bit of perspective amid the chaos. I suspect there are others.

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Yes, this person is very well aware. She is a year younger than I am and like me she is a teenager
Siblings annoy one another, it is actually a normal part of growing up. Do you love her? Are you kind to her?
Believe it or not, in my opinion, the best thing to do would be to spend more time with your sibling. Maybe God is placing this challenge in your life so that you can overcome your anger. With prayer, time, and overcoming challenges like these you should grow in virtue. Also, I believe that many saints sought to spend time with the people they disliked most in order to build virtue. Maybe God is asking you to spend time with her to grow in kindness. Trust in the lord and have courage, kindness, and love towards her. God bless you!
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I try my best every time because I love her. I guess I just wish she wouldn’t blame it all on her ADHD. She says she doesn’t blame it on it but what she does and says is the complete opposite of not blaming it on it. I just don’t know what to do anymore
Thank you so much I really appreciate it. I never thought of it that way. I really needed to ‘hear’ that. God bless you, too.
the most concerning sentence is how you say that you feel need to hurt people emotionally with your words because that is how mad you get, that is something you need to start dealing with as soon as possible, talk to your parents, talk to a counsellor or your priest. your sister might be annoying to you, but keep in mind, she has a medical condition. you are a teenager now, but trust me, when you become an adult, you will be dealing with worse behaviour than adhd, from other grown adults no less, and you will not always be able to avoid all situations, so you need to learn to deal with your anger before you end up saying things you can’t take back, you are in my prayers, I know it’s not easy but it really is a necessary journey to take
Thank you I really appreciate it. I will work on that. What is surprising is that I got told something similar in the past. I just never knew it was something I really always had as a struggle. I am adopted so I find it quite difficult to attach. And I fear that because of my issues I won’t be able to be patient with others peoples issue. I know it sounds so selfish and for that I ask that you pray for this and my anger. I really appreciate you saying that. It means a lot. God bless you
I really applaud your effort of trying to develop self-awareness at such a young age. of course, you have your own individual struggles too but recognizing it and being willing to work on it is a very big step, hoping you find a way to develop a positive relationship with your sister. I think it’s normal for you to need breaks from that though, especially now right at the start when you are still trying to figure yourself out, but in the long run, you can’t just avoid her for days, as I am sure deep down, you can also feel, based on your post, that would negatively affect te both of you, I think
We r both teenagers but I’m one year older. I prefer to keep the age private tho.
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