Hi, I hope I’m posting in the right forum. I’m a newbie so please forgive me if not. Anyway, I’m struggling trying to discern the right path. Let me give you some context. I’ve been in graduate school studying international relations since 2009 (so a long time now!). When I entered my Master’s program I thought I had found my true calling. I would get my PhD and become a professor. Part of the reason is that I enjoyed studying and research. The other part is that I thought I would achieve prestige and respect by getting a doctorate. Sort of like, “look how smart I am!” kind of thing. I imagine I’m not the only person in grad school with this in mind. So, I finished my MA in 2011 and I’m now a PhD Candidate (working on my dissertation). I also got married in 2011 and now we have two children. I’ve been struggling with the dissertation, and part of the reason I think is that my heart may not be in it anymore. This is difficult because my family and I have invested many years, financial resources (lots of debt), and personal sacrifices for this. I also did very well in my program and received substantial funding. It’s hard to think of just leaving it all now after all this. However, a few things have happened. Having children really changed me. To finish the degree I would have to do fieldwork abroad and leave my kids for months at a time. I don’t know if I want to do this. Also, academic jobs are scarce and I can’t just choose where to live. Right now I’m living in my hometown and my kids just adore their grandparents and cousins. I’d hate to take them away and move somewhere else far away. Lastly, I had a conversion experience and I’m rejoining the Catholic Church after many years in the wilderness. My motivations have changed greatly. I don’t see getting a PhD as the be all and end all of my life anymore. I’m having a hard time figuring out in which direction to go.