What should you do if you got cursed?

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Please help me, I think I got cursed by another person.

What should I do and is the curse going to work?

Pray, Pray, Pray

Pray always to Our Lady, St. Joseph Terror of Demons, St. Michael, etc. etc.

Here’s a prayer to break curses:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by the power of his cross, his blood and his resurrection, I take authority over all curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices, witchcraft assignments, satanic rituals, incantations and evil wishes that have been sent my way, or have passed down the generational bloodline. I break their influence over my life by the power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, and I command these curses to go back to where they came from and be replaced with a blessing.

I ask forgiveness for and renounce all negative inner vows and agreements that I have made with the enemy, and I ask you Lord Jesus to release me from any bondage they may have held in me. I claim your shed blood over all aspects of my life, relationships, ministry endeavors and finances. I thank you for your enduring love, your angelic protection, and for the fullness of your abundant blessings.

Here’s a link of deliverance prayers:


I also recommend you the download the app called “Exorcism”. It has many beautiful deliverance prayers for ordinary people, ordinary priests, and prayers used by exorcists (ONLY EXORCISTS!!! EVEN ORDINARY PRIESTS CAN’T PRAY THEM).

Here it is:



Catholic Exorcism​


The definitive Catholic exorcism app...
May God deliver you from evil! Ave Maria!
In your own honest assessment, did you give the other person reason to curse you? (Did you wrong him or her in any way?) If yes, do what you can to make amends to them, and ask them to remove the curse. If they don’t want to talk to you, at least confess your wrongdoing (a sin).

However, if you are confident that you were unfairly cursed, then don’t appeal to the person who cursed you. Resort to intense prayer, as the other poster recommended, and ask a priest to ritually cleanse you of the curse. (Make sure first that you’re dealing with a priest who act acknowledges the possibility of a curse. Not all priests do…)
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Am I wrong in thinking that asking them to remove the curse is just adding to more preternatural meddling than before? Make amends yes, but more spell casting equates to asking them to sin more.
How do curses which appears to be the sinister invocation to the supernatural against another person work especially against Catholics? It’s something I don’t understand, do people who invoke curses have power? If so should we as Catholics be worried?
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Just pray, go to Mass, get the final blessing there, stay in a state of grace, receive Jesus in the Eucharist (if you’re Catholic and in a state of grace) and ask Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (the Terror of Demons) to help you, also pray to St. Michael, St. Benedict, Padre Pio, St Teresa of Avila, whoever your favorite saint is.
And you have nothing to fear.
Make sure you are in a state of Grace.

Attend mass, go to reconciliation, pray, partake in the Eucharist and live a moral life.

After all that, don’t worry.
A curse may not have an effect, especially for a person in a state of grace.
If a person really is cursed, they should go to an exorcist. You could call the chancery office of your diocese to see is they have an exorcist. The exorcist could evaluate your situation and do an exorcism if it is needed.
Don’t go to a wizard to have a curse lifted, it will only make it worse.
Jesus said bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If you return kindness and trust in God, you should be fine.
Pray the Saint Michaels prayer.
Get rid of any gifts they gave you.
Wear or possess a St. Benedicts medal or crucifix. Have Holy water and bless yourself often.
Go to Confession it’s a small excorsism. Stay in the state of grace.

I have had a curse on me and had a traditional priest pray over me.
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Live your life in a state of friendship with God and He promises “no weapon formed against you will prosper”.
As in all questions pertaining to Catholicism, whether pertaining to sin, salvation, the sacraments, making a good confession, attaining grace, winning eternal happiness with God in heaven—or any other aspect of Catholicism—talk to a priest. Sometimes you may need to talk to more than one, but do discuss your problems with a priest.
I’m sorry - a “curse”??! Am I the only one here to find that a little bit Hokus Pokus? An exorcism? Really?

Even if there’s a situation where an exorcism could be of value, what is the frequency that this is a reasonable response to someone who thinks someone just “put a curse on them”? And we just happen to have been introduced to a situation where an exorcism is the appropriate response?
My goodness! If I had a dime for anytime people cussed at me, I would be a millionaire. I had a boss once who used every foul word she could think of, and once I turned around, I saw her face. It was utter hatred for me.

It depends. A lot of things that happen would have happened anyway. Sometimes people who are cursed become devil obsessed. A girl back in the 1920’s was possessed by the devil because her tather cursed her.
Pray, Pray, Pray

Pray always to Our Lady, St. Joseph Terror of Demons, St. Michael, etc. etc.

Here’s a prayer to break curses:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by the power of his cross, his blood and his resurrection, I take authority over all curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices, witchcraft assignments, satanic rituals, incantations and evil wishes that have been sent my way, or have passed down the generational bloodline. I break their influence over my life by the power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, and I command these curses to go back to where they came from and be replaced with a blessing.

I ask forgiveness for and renounce all negative inner vows and agreements that I have made with the enemy, and I ask you Lord Jesus to release me from any bondage they may have held in me. I claim your shed blood over all aspects of my life, relationships, ministry endeavors and finances. I thank you for your enduring love, your angelic protection, and for the fullness of your abundant blessings.

Here’s a link of deliverance prayers:


I also recommend you the download the app called “Exorcism”. It has many beautiful deliverance prayers for ordinary people, ordinary priests, and prayers used by exorcists ( ONLY EXORCISTS!!! EVEN ORDINARY PRIESTS CAN’T PRAY THEM ).

Here it is:


App Store

‎Catholic Exorcism

‎The definitive Catholic exorcism app, created by the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal. This app was created to continue the Center’s spiritual renewal, healing, and deliverance ministry, including assisting priests and those in deliverance…



Catholic Exorcism​

The definitive Catholic exorcism app, created by the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal. This app was created to continue the Center’s spiritual renewal, healing, and deliverance ministry, including assisting priests and those in deliverance ministry with the best practices and resources. The app includes: - Prayers for Priest Exorcists (with approval and password) - Prayers and Resources for all those assisting in deliverance ministry, healing, and spiritual renewal - Ask an Exorcist: c…

Thanks. It is worth to repeat.

I like to collect all these prayers.

Eucharist can remove the curses and spells.
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Stay away from that person!

Pray your rosary for the salvation of souls. Confess your sins and stay in GOD’s grace.

Curses and devils cower before our Lady. They are powerless.

Praised be Jesus Christ.
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