What small miracles have happened in YOUR life

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Recently in another thread, I noted how a tree branch once fell during a lightening storm, snapping off my car antennae and allowing me only to get AM radio. This caused a heretofore unknown level of calm in me while driving as I began to listen more to Catholic radio and less to fast-paced pop or rock on FM. This occured just a couple of days after praying specifically for help in controlling my anger. It got me to thinking.

I have, thank God, never had a terrible illness, nor have I ever been delivered from a raging storm at sea. I have, however, been the beneficiary of numerous small miracles and I’m curious as to what others have experienced. Things that might not exactly cause anyone to build a shrine, but that you feel were more than coincidence.
Quite a few - some in small ways. Others, larger and more apparent. Some have been in tangible things and others more inward. I think we have to tune ourselves to them. Not look for them, but become aware of them.

My first pregnancy had many complications. I was terrified. Of losing the baby, of a host of other things that could go wrong. I kept praying and became easily frustrated when my problems weren’t solved, they only became worse. I kept hearing this dove outside my window, until finally I realized I just needed to let go for the peace I needed. So I did. In the hospital, I went through a few “emergencies” before the eventual birth of my daughter. I had no fear whatsoever, just a calm, peaceful happiness. I knew God would take care of me. He did.
On my way home from work the other day the metrobus I was riding had a tire blow-out. Just as I resigned to the fact we would have to wait for another bus and miss the KofC meeting, another bus, with plenty of room for everyone, pulled up and got everyone where they needed to be on time.

All I could say was, “Thankyou Lord!”.
I posted about my mom’s miracle in Divine Intervention here on this board but have a smaller miracle to share. It just happened recently.

I find I am closest to Jesus when I am in my car riding to and from work. I have no radio in my car. It is just me and the Lord. Well, I prayed to the Lord to help me bring him closer to me throughout the day. I wanted him, as a song goes, out of my car and into my life. I also prayed that the gasoline in my car would last a very long time. (I have no shame.)

Well, during this week I noticed that I was using very little fuel. By Thursday I should have been down to an eighth of a tank. Instead I was almost on full. After consideration, I had to laugh at myself. I drive a 1968 Chevy! (Yes, the car is older than ME!) The gas gauge was stuck. That HAD to be it!~ I told many folks at work about how I had prayed and thought my prayer was answered when indeed it was a broken gas gauge! They laughed. I laughed. It was silly.

I went that afternoon to fill her up. Imagine my surprise when she only needed to be capped off. Surely my husband had put gas in the car during the week. (Sometimes I need a ton of bricks to fall on my head!) I asked him. He said he had not.

How can I explain this? The Lord answered my prayer in two ways. First of all, he made the gas last just as I prayed for. But more importantly, I brought the Lord out of my car and into my life when I shared this story with my colleagues, my family and now with you. Amen.
I had no fear whatsoever, just a calm, peaceful happiness. I knew God would take care of me. He did.
That is absolutely beautiful, Trinitatem! I reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. “Be still and know that I am God.”

I’ll have to look up the chapter and verse for that. I’d like to know if I am quoting it correctly and the circumstances that surround it.
January of 2003 my son, an army reservists, was activated and deployed to Iraq. Two most beautiful miracles happend during that year and I would like to share them.
The first happend just as we left our son, knowing that we were leaving him to go on to a possible war. It was a very hard situation. He was scared and so of course were we. As I turned to leave him I heard him say “mom” I turned and saw him with his arms reaching out to me, just as he had done as a baby when he wanted held. I saw him at that moment as a baby and went back and held him. We were moved to tears as we saw in the movie ‘The Passion of The Christ’ when Jesus fell and the Blessed Mother saw him as her little boy and wanted to go help him.
When we did get in our car to go home I was quite upset and as I sat and prayed for our son quietly, I heard these word so strong in my heart “Andrew will be home” and immediately I felt a peace that stayed with me until he came home 13 months later.
The second miracle came when one of my cousins sent me an e-mail with a prayer she was saying daily for my son and also for our family. She had asked God to send a legion of Angels around my son Andrew to protect him. I also began praying that an army of angels be around my son and his unit. A few weeks later another one of my cousins had told me that she was without her guardian angel, because she sent her angel to be with Andrew. My sister also had prayed for angels to be around Andrew. As we all are aware the battle started in March of 2003 and my son and his unit (a bridge buiding unit) found themselves attached to The First Marine Expeditionary Force and one of the first units into Iraq. During that time we had no contact with our son, one day someone from our Family Support Group called and referred us to a website that had stories about the unit my son was with. Sure enough we got on and read a story that was written like a diary. The very last sentence in this diary said "It’s like God had sent a battalion of angels around our unit, despite all that we have been through, we have not suffered any serious injury or death. That was a beautiful confirmation to our prayers. My son is home now along with all the men of his unit, they lost no one.
God be praised for your son’s safe return, and **thank you **for the inspiration it brings.
I had many minor glimpses of how God has touched my life. But the Biggest is to wake up each morning to do His Will on Earth!

Two years ago, I was faced with many concerns in my life.
  1. My father went into the hospital, and for the last time, and I was taking care of him.
  2. I lost the ability to drive due to the condition of my eyes. Had received rides from a woman who lived near me. Then she got laid off.
  3. Because my father was in the hospital, I was selling my house to move closer to my job.
  4. Mounting bills!
Worries, Worries Worries…
I was at work and I remember the day exactly, when just as I was about to get back to work after lunch, I heard a voice coming from my heart say…’
Don’t worry, you’ll be fine."

Things did work out more than I thought. Two years later:
  1. I got laid off last year and not going back to school to work in an office job.
  2. I moved back in the area where I grew up and at more at ease.
  3. I also returned to my Byzantine rite, and found a parish that I know the people as much they know me.
  4. Had major eye surgery April this year and a little bit more sight was restored. yet…5. I still have the mounting bills, but that does not concern me much.
I am thankful in retrospect that things are working out and pray and hope other issues work out as well.

Go with God!
Actually, I don’t think this one can be considered a “small” miracle, since it saved my life! 😃
On April 11, 2003, I was driving south on CT- Interstate 91 in a driving rainstorm at a high rate of speed (higher, I confess,:o than I should have been traveling. :tsktsk: ) It was about 12:15 pm and the highway was very busy with many cars and trucks in every lane. A large amount of water had pooled on the road in the far left hand lane where I was driving. When my tires hit the pool of water, my car spun totally out of control, and I found myself spinning around in the middle of the highway, with cars and trucks traveling straight towards me. There was nothing I could do to regain control of the vehicle and I braced myself for a crash - that never came. Instead, the car spun around several times in the middle of the interstate. It crossed the highway as it did so and hit the embankment on the other side of the highway, and came to a dead stop, facing south towards home! I was shaken, but neither I nor my vehicle had been injured and no one else on the highway had been injured. If you had seen the number or vehicles on the road at that hour, you would see that it was divine intervention that saved my life.
Moreover,*** I had been praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the time this incident took place.*** I was praying for mercy, and mercy was granted to me - as I spun around and around waiting for a collision, I prayed, “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” God heard my prayer and protected both my life and the lives of everyone who was driving near me at that hour. BLESSED BE JESUS!
After many years of searching I had given up on finding a suitable mate for life. I told God I would resign myself to being single and doing whatever he had planned for me. Not long afterward a lady friend suggested I join the local Eucharistic Adoration ministry.Six months later Louise entered my life. We married within a year and she entered the Catholic Church sometime during the first year of our marriage.

A miracle for each of us, as she had been raised in the Church of Christ and all her life had been told a ton of lies about what Catholics believe.
On my first day at my new job, I thought i had missed the bus, I waited at the bus stop, got there 5 minutes ealrier than the bus was supposed to be there and waited for 15 minutes, I thought I had missed it and was going to be fired. I REALLY needed the job to pay for college tuition this year, so I prayed an Our Father and a few Hail Mary’s and asked God to show me whether I missed the bus or not. Not two seconds after I finished, the bus came over the hill!!! I was so happy. And not late for work!!!
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