I am 19 years old and I want to become a catholic. I wanted to attend RCIA classes this year, but my parent, which are non-religious, didn’t allow me, so I will hopefully start attending next year and be baptized 2020. I know that it is perhaps to early to think about becoming a priest, but I have a strong desire to become one. Because of my family and other circumstances it is only possible for me to first graduate at a college, and then attend seminary. I want to study a subject that could be useful in my priestly vocation. In my country many priests are professors and I also want that. I am searching for a subject, not related to religion, that could be teached to others and that would be useful if I become a priest. Is philosophy a good choice, or is it in some sense contrary to our faith? Is history a good choice? Have you other suggestions? I would really appreciate all answers and be thankful for them and please pray for my family and me.