When people use that expression, “hell”, how many of you think that word belongs in the “profanity” category?
Agreed. I do not allow my students to use it (college and grad students) in the classroom but technically it is just a vulgarity not a profanity.It is profanity to use the name of God in vain. Use of the word hell in a curse is merely vulgarity, although not something Christians ought to be employing.
This was my first reaction too.Depends on how it’s used. IF talking about the place or consequence of mortal sin, using hell is okay. Folks need to be aware of the punishment or destination of the condemned.
If used as a curse, for example telling someone to go there, it is not.
I’ve heard you should never tell someone to go to h*ll unless you can make them do it.I would never say “go to h*ll”, i feel bad if I do…BUT, the rest of the ways to use it I do…