What to do applied for a job

  • Thread starter Thread starter BeltedKFisher
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Hi all,

I am a 23 year old recent college graduate who just completed a seasonal job working with songbirds this fall. Currently I have been back home with my family applying for work and I just had an interview for a job I would like and my family is very interested in my having and pressuring me to take. The interviewer had a number of questions for me, one of which was my greatest weakness. I should have said sleeping late, but substituted a different weakness (that I sometimes get too focused on details and thus bogged down). They really liked me as I was offered the job the next day. I would like accept, but fear that by accepting I would technically stealing as I lied by saying being overly focused was my greatest weakness instead of sleeping in and that if I just accept the job I might also be stealing from a more qualified applicant. Getting up early is important in this field. If I need to say something, I get that, but I would like advice on what to say as I was thinking of saying something like:

I should let you know, I was embarrassed to say this and the question caught me by surprise, but I think my greatest weakness is sleeping in. I had trouble with it my last job, but I’m going to get better alarms, and I have no intention of it being an issue again.

If I don’t need to do this I would rather not obviously, but if I do I would appreciate any advice on how to handle it.

Thank you for your time.
Congratulations. Accept the job.

Then download Alarmy on your phone. It’ll force you to get out of bed and take a picture in order to turn your alarm off.
I think this is something you should speak to a counselor about if you actually think that choosing between several so-called “weaknesses” and deciding which to share in a job interview is a problem. Let alone “stealing” because you accepted the job.

When an employer is asking about weaknesses, confine your answer to on the job related areas and be succinct. Also think ahead about how such perceived weaknesses can also be helpful. Such as “sometimes I get hyper focused, which can be a weakness, but it also can sometimes be a strength. I work to moderate that aspect of my work.”
I have no intention of it being an issue again.
Then you’re set. Just make sure it isn’t an issue (aka “weakness”) going forward.

Also, just curious… what type of work does one do with songbirds? I didn’t even realize that was the name of an actual bird until I read this thread.
When they ask your greatest weakness, they are asking what is your greatest weakness on the job?
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