What To Do Between Now And Confession

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I need some help and advice. I’ve been struggling and giving-in to sin a lot this past week. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go to Confession until Saturday. Is there something I can do between now and then to show true penance , like special prayers or acts or something like that? I guess I’m just looking for ways and ideas to show true repentance until Saturday comes and I’m given absolution.

Thanks for all your help.

Scout :tiphat:
The Act of Contrition

Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended thee and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all becuse they offend thee my God , who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the nearer occasions of sin.

It sounds like your struggling with that last line…“to avoid the nearer occasions of sin”. Gets me too sometimes, but not if we do what we say right there…AVOID the people. places. & things that lead us into sin…or that we know we aren’t strong enough to handle. The fact is that God gives us grace to avoid them…we just need to be like Mary and offer our fiat…saying yes to Our Lord & turning our back on the occasions.

I also reccomend the Divine Mercy Chaplet. ALWAYS helps me.

You’re in my prayers Scout. Hang in!
Scout is right to pray an act of contrition. There are many prayers that are acts of contrition, the one Scout included is the most popular.

One of the greatest spiritual warfare prayers is the Rosary. This isn’t my idea, but many respected Church Militants claim the Rosary as their weapon of choice for spiritual combat. I agree that it helps much.

The prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel asking his intercession for you and to aid your guardian angel. St, Michael is great help to overcome any bad habit. Your guardian angel can assist you, too.

Praying before the blessed Sacrament – even if it unexposed is an awesome way to gain grace, too.
Sounds like you are really sorry. The above advice is good. Try to make a perfect act of contrition. This, if done perfectly, will restore Gods grace to your soul. It’s very hard to do though. You need to be 100% sorry because you have failed to love God as He deserves, and purely motivated by that love of God in the act of perfect contrition. You still need to go to confession before receiving any other sacraments.
Also tell God you are going to go to confession as soon as possible. You can’t do anymore than that.
Don’t be too depressed. We’re all sinners. It’s pride that makes us uneasy at such times. Humble yourself like a little child who has been a bit naughty, and ask your father God to be merciful and forgive you.
I’d like to add one thing to all of the great advice. Would it be possible to call your priest and schedule a private confession before the regularly-scheduled one on Saturday?
Dr. Colossus:
I’d like to add one thing to all of the great advice. Would it be possible to call your priest and schedule a private confession before the regularly-scheduled one on Saturday?
Yes! Go in and ask to make confession. Priests are obliged to drop what they are doing and try to accomadate you (within reason of course) If you ask I’m sure he can schedule you sooner.

Dr. Colossus:
I’d like to add one thing to all of the great advice. Would it be possible to call your priest and schedule a private confession before the regularly-scheduled one on Saturday?
That would be an acceptable practice for most people, but I never go to Confession to my parish priest. I’m too familiar with him to be comfortable confessing to him-and what’s been going on the last week is very serious. I always go to Confession at another town near me, where I am completely anonymous. Plus, I know Fr. has a lot going on right now, with the Holidays and all, that I’d feel extremely guilty asking him to add one more thing to his already phenominally busy schedule.

Thanks for all of the advice. I really appreciate all of your help. I’m hoping to have a Holy Hour tonight. I wouldn’t necessarily mind waiting until Saturday for Confession, if it weren’t for Wednesday. This is my first Feast of the Immaculate Conception since I converted, and I won’t be able to receive Holy Communion then. That really saddens me. 😦

Scout :tiphat:
I also do not confess often at my parish. If your diocese has a website, try checking it for other parish’s schedules, or try check other parish websites. I found through my diocese’s website a church that does confession basically all day every day. As long as the priest was there, there was confession available. It is also possible, with some parishes, to just walk in a see if anyone is available for confession. I also know that most parishes around here have the ability to call and schedule an appointment. You could probably do this with another parish. There are also some parishes that offer Wednesday confessions. PLUS, you should be able to receive confession before Mass.

I know I personally had a VERY hard time confessing some serious sins in my past, but it REALLY is important. Part of the reason I think we as humans have a hard time in confessing serious sins is actually our pride. The humility required to confess, especially when it’s grave, is quite large. I ENCOURAGE you to confess to whomever might be available between now and the Immaculate Conception so that you can partake in that feast day.
Hang in there and pray hard this week. I think it has much to do with the Advent season!

Sheesh - the enemy is hitting hard this season. Sins that I usually can fight off are getting me! Aparantly the enemy wants to spread his version of holiday cheer -

I will offer your intentions up at Adoration. God Bless you.
… I never go to Confession to my parish priest. I’m too familiar with him to be comfortable confessing to him…
He’s your pastor and spiritual father. In the confessional, he’s acting in Christ’s person, not himself. Let him know you better and you’ll enable him to be a better father.

Besides, the mortification of hurt pride helps one’s spiritual life. 😉
He’s your pastor and spiritual father. In the confessional, he’s acting in Christ’s person, not himself. Let him know you better and you’ll enable him to be a better father.

Besides, the mortification of hurt pride helps one’s spiritual life. 😉
I really don’t think it’s pride that keeps me from confessing to him. It’s just that in the past I’ve had “feelings” for him that I’ve had to work to get over. I think I just got “too close” to him. Considering the severity of the sins, I don’t think it’s a good idea to confess to him. I’m not trying to cause scandal by saying this, I’m just looking out for him and for me.

Scout :tiphat:
Sorry if in some I’ve put you in this position.

Glad to hear you’re using good judgment.

God bless.
Dr. Colossus:
I’d like to add one thing to all of the great advice. Would it be possible to call your priest and schedule a private confession before the regularly-scheduled one on Saturday?
NUTS! I had forgot about that… :whistle:
I also would like to add one thing. Seek out a holy priest to be your spiritual director. I see an Opus Dei priest. And within reason, I can go to see him or any of the other priests 6 days/wk. perhaps your near a monastery if theres no Opus Dei centres. Have a look to see whats available on the web. A spiritual director will help you in this way, but more. Most people find that once they confide a problem in their director, it is half gone. And he will pray for you too.
John Russell Jr:
I also would like to add one thing. Seek out a holy priest to be your spiritual director. I see an Opus Dei priest. And within reason, I can go to see him or any of the other priests 6 days/wk. perhaps your near a monastery if theres no Opus Dei centres. Have a look to see whats available on the web. A spiritual director will help you in this way, but more. Most people find that once they confide a problem in their director, it is half gone. And he will pray for you too.
That’s good advice. I still have trouble talking about some things with men, though. When I was a protestant, I was always taught that there were just some things you didn’t discuss with another man-not only for your sake, but for his as well. I guess I still have trouble getting over that mind-set. I don’t mind Confession, but discussing things in detail with a man is something I still struggle with. I don’t want to cause him to struggle. Does that make sense? If I could find a good female spiritual advisor, that would be okay. I just don’t know where to look for one.

Scout :tiphat:
I still have trouble talking about some things with men, though.
Keep in mind that there are snuns who are spiritual directors, as well as lay people.

Having a priest as one helps, because he can also be your confessor.
Thanks for the help everyone. I called around the Diocese this morning, trying desperately to find a priest who hears confession before Mass. After a long and desperate search, I finally found one (what ever happened to having Confession available before Mass?). I was able to go to Confession this evening. 🙂

Scout :tiphat:
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