What to do when self-esteem is low?

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What to do when self-esteem is low due to being downed and bullied so much? People would always tell me you will never have anything you won’t be anything you are not even the average person how does a person succeed from that type of treatment?
You thrive. Prove them wrong. You pick yourself up, decide and realize that you are priceless in the eyes of God and that HE thinks you’re great. Who is the one who wants us all to fail? the prince of lies.
These people tell lies.
Walk away from them, and live your just, holy, and meaningful life. Ask your guardian angel to give you strength. Pray to the Holy Spirit each morning. Tell God you are at His service. He will provide the path to happiness.
God bless you friend.
Make a resolution to not become that person. The only way you will become that person is if you take those (wrong) comments and internalise them. Recognise every time you think something negative about yourself and question it. Dismiss it as a negative voice you don’t need to listen to. Surround yourself with more positive people - take up a new hobby, find an activity that requires teamwork or something with positive interactions.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt.
By learning that it doesn’t matter what they think or say, it’s what you think about yourself. Do things to become the best you that you can be. Take a class in something that interests you. Volunteer somewhere and as you help others, you will feel more positive about yourself. Take care of yourself, keep yourself looking neat and clean in a manner that makes you feel comfortable. (We all have those clothes that just make us feel good wearing them. 😉) Go to daily mass if possible. You can’t help but draw closer to God while there, and pretty soon, you won’t care what other think of you, only what He thinks of you.

Hang in there, John. Many people on this site have been where you are, and can tell you that things will get better, but you have to learn to ignore the bullies and get on with your life. May God bless you and guide you.
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