Not that I’m advocating anything, but maybe that’s part of where he’s coming from. Maybe he feels like every time he wants to discipline in his own way, which you said is not abusive but *aggressive *(I don’t know what that means - spanks, time outs, raising his voice to her?), he feels like he’s being looked upon poorly by you. Maybe part of his resentment stems from the fact that he may think he has an unruly child and a wife that won’t discipline as he sees fit and who looks down on him when he does choose to discipline the way he sees fit. Again - I don’t know what you mean by aggressively, so I’m just assuming that since you yourself don’t spank and such that he must…just a thought.
If this is the case, then I can see him being frustrated. Not only can he not discipline his daughter his way but his wife thinks he needs discipline to learn how *not *to discipline. After awhile he is probably just taking out his frustrations on his daughter and losing interest in her, knowing he’s not going to do anything right with her anyway. Again, tihs is pure speculation. I’m only guessing here.
Wow… lots of wisdom in sanctareparata’s post.
I don’t know your exact situation (so I’m certainly NOT judging you), but I’m one of those Dad’s who has had the unfortunate experience of feeling resentment towards my wife and children at times. Let me explain why:
I see a some of these posts as being somewhat judgmental against your husband, and yes, I agree that saying hurtful things to the child
IS wrong… but before I jump to extremes say “he’s
all wrong”, I’d just like to suggest the following:
If you are under-cutting his authority in the house:
taking the children’s sides in disagreements
Arguing about children’s discipline in front of the children - acting as their “defense attorney”
Demonstrating disrespect in front of the children - rolling eyes, walking away from him when he’s talking, etc.
Changing the rules behind his back when he’s at work, and telling the kids to keep it a secret
Gossiping to family, friends, children against your husband
If you do these things, you would cause family dissension and dysfunction, and eventually the children won’t respect
you either. I’ve seen quite a few families destroyed by such behavior - so it’s not as uncommon as we’d like to think.
Like I said, I don’t know your situation - and you may be very supportive. I just posted this because I’m a Dad who sometimes feels similar things, and thought I’d explain why.