… the mass seemed different at the different parishes I’d been to in my new area. He said that the mass should be the same everywhere. The prayers, yes. But other things… not really.
…Sometimes I think some cradle Catholics take the peculiarities of their faith (and by this, I mean, those things which distinguish their faith from others) for granted, and don’t realize that the Catholic world for the un-initiated can be very mysterious and confusing! Thank God for the internet and the reputable sites that have answered many of my questions.
Hi there, IWTB!
From what you’ve written , I think you should be considering a new name – I think you already do believe.
When I returned to the Faith after being gone for years and years I chose a parish to attend – a choice one has to make – you gotta’ go *somewhere * but I also spent several months of Sundays attending Mass at other parishes in the general area. I guess I needed to know that it was my belief in my Faith, not my fascination with an ornate building and a favorable impression with a particular congregation that I was relating to. That make sense?
At one Mass, the priest set a new speed record for human speech, bless him. We were outta there in less than twenty minutes. Guess he had somewhere to go. In another, there was a program where sixth-graders read the readings. What a tickle it was listening to the kid try her best to pronounce those multisylabic many-vowelled OT place names. Another was bi-lingual. One was the old Latin Mass. One had bells at the Consecration. One church was round, another rectangular. One with lots of stained glass and marble, another with a wooden altar and hand-painted windows.
What a magnificent mixture of humanity I found – Catholics all!
One priest closes with “Have a nice day” and another dispatches us with “Top o’ the mornin’ to you” – and this one’s predominately Asian-American congregation responds “And the rest of the day to yourself, Father!” Outstanding!
Oh, I know the outward trappings of the celebrations might be different from one place to the next, but that’s just what you get where there’s a billion of us. Ain’t it grand?:clapping:
As for taking things for granted – I think I can plead guilty to that. Having been brought up in the Faith (Catholic schools through college) it was just “the way it was.” We didn’t do comparative religion studies until college, and not much even there. So, from our side of the situation, it maybe isn’t so confusing because we don’t compare. From your side, I could see how some Catholic practices could drive ya nuts – until you understand what’s going on and why.
Thanks for your gentle questions and easy-going remarks. This forum is filled with well meaning, helpful members who will happily converse with you about our Faith. Most do it better than I. Keep asking your questions.
Yours in Christ,