What to say to those against the rebuilding of Notre Dame?

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Many of my non-Catholic friends are becoming super agaisnt the rebuilding of Notre Dame. I knew many of them were not very religious, but this is the first time they’ve shown outright anti-religious/anti-Catholic sentiments. They think it’s wrong for people to donate to the rebuilding and argue that the Catholic Church is too wealthy for their own good and don’t need it. I get the there are many bad things happening in our world that deserve donations, but what’s wrong with a company or person choosing to donate money for Notre Dame? They add socialism to it with the idea of these wealthy people needing to give up all their money and say that Jesus would want them to give up all their riches. Since wanting to become more religious I’ve noticed how against religion and Christianity my generation is and I don’t know the best way to handle it.
Acting offended at the thought of financing the rebuild of Notre Dame helps them deal with their own sense of guilt for living godless lives. I used to think that way also. The “righteous indignation” of the unrighteous.
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The Catholic Church doesn’t own Notre Dame Cathedral. It’s owned by the French government, and they are the ones who have chosen to rebuild it, and are responsible for getting the money to rebuild it.
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My post on another thread about this:
Notre-Dame cathedral Paris is on fire Catholic Living
See my post on this thread, I think it is number 158. Now I have no links to collaborate what I stated other than it is what I’ve read from different sources. I basically summed up what your friend was saying is false. Wel not your friend in particular, just that I get tired of hearing the Catholic Church is rich when that seems not to be the case. What I think he and others are referring to when they say this is the Vatican. Well the Vatican owns very little property and they have an budget o…
Also here are some links from Catholic Answers about the perceived wealth of the Catholic Church:

Plus I don’t think the Parishioners of Notre Dame or the French people would agree with what those people think. The Catholic Church is one of the, if not the largest charitable groups in the world. I found out, and I did not previously known this until I was told on this forum, that the Church does not actually own Notre Dame. All the Churches prior to sometime in the 1900s was taken from the dioceses by the French Govt during the Revolution I believe. The French Government will probably end up paying for a lot of it with the help of the Church and charitable people and groups. You could ask your friends, if you are from the states, if one of our Monuments (Washington, Lincoln, Vietnam Wall, ect) or the White House was burnt down should we not rebuild those? I am guessing they would feel differently because hey it is not Catholic.
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Notre Dame is/was visited by millions of people every year. It is a place to celebrate faith, find faith, and experience history up close. What I wouldn’t give to have great monuments from the Roman Empire as well-preserved as Catholic cathedrals.
I think you need to stop getting dragged into arguments which are totally pointless, and quit worrying about being able to answer such objections. You are not going to change anyone’s mind. and whether or not you donate is none of their business.

If they challenge you (since you say they are friends), a simple answer of “I don’t have an opinion” should suffice; and if it does not, then “Oh” generally will bring that rant to a close. They want a reaction, not information. Giving no reaction solves a lot of this.

You say they are friends; I would challenge that; they are acquaintances. A friend generally is not going to give you a hard time about such things; but acquaintances, who have little loyalty to you, will.
Some corporate donations that were annnounced within a few hours of the fire:

Louis Vuitton, €200 million
YSL & Gucci, €100 million
L’Oreal, €200 million
Total, €100 million

Lily Safra, the widow of banker Edmond Safra, has promised €10 million
How would giving money to Notre Dame “enrich” the church? The Vatican doesn’t own it after all. It’s not like they could sell it to the highest bidder. I guess I don’t get the logic of that argument, although I understand the meanness of it.
Catholic Church is too wealthy for their own good and don’t need it.
The same people also probably think that the Church should be giving more to the poor and not spending money on lavish things (even though the Church is the largest non-govt charitable organization on the planet).

You really can’t win with these people.
Notre Dame is God’s house,it should be rebuilt. It was used for the glory of God. It was a place to worship and share your faith with others. It is also a very important monument.
You can let them know that an agnostic on CAF is greatly in favor of rebuilding this beautiful cathedral because not only is it revered by millions of Catholics but by millions of secular people that appreciate its architecture and cultural significance to France and the world.

It’s not an either/or situation with regards to money. We should rebuild the church AND we all should give more to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, etc. I certainly will do both.
Advocating against rebuilding a place of huge cultural, historical, and religious significance just after it was on fire is EXTREMELY in poor taste. Imagine if someone was against rebuilding a 9/11 memorial that burned down, saying it’s a waste of money. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to keep such people around as friends.

Not to mention, it’s in the interest of the French to rebuild such an important tourist attraction.
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Who are they to say where someone donates their money? If they have a special cause they’re passionate about, then work to raise the funds. Contact these people. Maybe they’ll be passionate about it too. Maybe not. The point is, it is their money and they can send it wherever they want to.
Many of my non-Catholic friends are becoming super agaisnt the rebuilding of Notre Dame. I knew many of them were not very religious, but this is the first time they’ve shown outright anti-religious/anti-Catholic sentiments. They think it’s wrong for people to donate to the rebuilding and argue that the Catholic Church is too wealthy for their own good and don’t need it. I get the there are many bad things happening in our world that deserve donations, but what’s wrong with a company or person choosing to donate money for Notre Dame? They add socialism to it with the idea of these wealthy people needing to give up all their money and say that Jesus would want them to give up all their riches. Since wanting to become more religious I’ve noticed how against religion and Christianity my generation is and I don’t know the best way to handle it.
In a word? Sensitivity Training. 😃
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To say it is none of their business is both true and false.

They apparently don’t like the church for some reason, and yet they cannot stop what they dont like from progressing, so they just complain.

But the fact is - the church does and immense amount of good work for the world… moreso than they would themselves…

And the church means a lot to millions and millions of people whom they dont know… dealing with depth of problems they can’t even begin to value… and whom they are neither called to, nor qualified, to judge - although that is what they are likely doing…

The answer really is “Sensitivity Training”… They aren’t catechized, nor do they wish to be, but they really should be made to develop some sort of understanding… lest they discriminate or fall prey to violating hate laws…
Where do you live?
. They think it’s wrong for people to donate to the rebuilding and argue that the Catholic Church is too wealthy for their own good and don’t need it
  1. Notre Dame Cathedral, as any church built before 1905 is the propriety of the french State!
  2. The Church in France is not wealthy. Church in USA or in Germany are much more wealthier! The Church in France is not financed by the State or the Vatican. Each diocese is responsible for is own finances via the “Denier de l’Eglise” each year, parochial quests every sunday, sacraments, but also gift and legacy that permits to balance the budget in many diocese. Catholics who give to Denier are a very small percentage and very aged in average!
    The diocese of Paris, can be of course more wealthier than some others…
but what’s wrong with a company or person choosing to donate money for Notre Dame?
Nothing. And all the donations permits to relieve the State from finding money, which would be difficult.
They add socialism to it with the idea of these wealthy people needing to give up all their money and say that Jesus would want them to give up all their riches.
Not sure that it was what Jesus want for everyone, he also speak of paying our taxes to the State… But a theological debate here…
Yes, the gift are very very high in level, perhaps too much, but rebuilt an historical building is very difficult and extremely costy. You have no idea in America…

More i would add, that historical building, such as Notre Dame, because notre dame is firstly a touristic site, attract many tourists that create a direct and indirect economy with many jobs!

Notre Dame is our heritage. Not for only Catholics. It is our history. Heritage is very important for our nations, and churches are one of the biggest part of it! (I am speaking as a French).
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I am against the actual rebuilding because they are inevitably going to try to “modernize” the structure with some atrocious and disgusting modern art nonsense.
Wait a little more! The architectural competition was just opened by the Frencg government! No project is still deposed and valided!
I have juts seen some heritage architect on the TV who begin to work on the project. they are carefull to respect the history of this gothic church!

We cannot rebuilt nothing! There is a hole on the building. if we let her like that, she will collapse. And we need a cathedral for the diocese of Paris!
Unless you want some new material to full the hole, as for the Falaise Castle…
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