I don’t care about NAB verses DR! I just want to ask all you Spanish speakers out there which version I ought to bring to read when I carry Jesus to the hospital. I have one brief reading from John to use in Spanish, but when I visit again and again, I would like to vary it somewhat, as I can in English.:yup:
Thanks to all who can help!
(PS Thanks to all who posted on the DUD threads thread. I’m trying to be more catchy in the post title. Also, Annunciata is allowed to post IF she knows the answer. Then the thread may die. <— inside joke)
Thanks to all who can help!
(PS Thanks to all who posted on the DUD threads thread. I’m trying to be more catchy in the post title. Also, Annunciata is allowed to post IF she knows the answer. Then the thread may die. <— inside joke)