What was the best Retreat that you ever attended?

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Would love to hear about a retreat that you really enjoyed and was meaningful to you. One of my friends tried a silent retreat but after two days was crawling the walls.
Best retreat so far is by far a distributed retreat (still ongoing) consisting of Fr. John Corapi’s talks off of EWTN radio on Saturday afternoons followed by in depth meditation. This has been going for some time now. I do not remember how many weeks. I look forward to resuming the next Saturday.
Deacon Tony560:
Would love to hear about a retreat that you really enjoyed and was meaningful to you. One of my friends tried a silent retreat but after two days was crawling the walls.
I’ve been going to the White House Retreat Center in St. Louis for the last 5 years or so. This is a 3-day silent retreat on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River. Each year in early May about 15 people from my parish go and are joined by about 70 others . . . some coming from as far away as Wisconsin.

I know some people are a bit intimidated by the idea of a silent retreat. One of the most common complaints I hear is “How can I sit next to someone at dinner and not say anything?” 😉

But I have to tell you silent reatreats are absolutely wonderful . . . the presence of God can be absolutely overwhelming and the experience truely has changed my life. And I can also say that almost eveyone I know who has tried one at White House ends up going back year after year.
“I know some people are a bit intimidated by the idea of a silent retreat.”

Sadly, in this modern world, many people have never learned to be comfortable with silence. :tsktsk:

Also - there is not total silence in a silent retreat. We listen to meditations, we pray the rosary or the stations of the cross together - aloud - and, of course, there is the Mass.

The purpose of the silence is so that we can hear God speaking to us! :gopray:

"One of the most common complaints I hear is “How can I sit next to someone at dinner and not say anything?” "

At the 3 day silent retreats I go to each year - in an Opus Dei Center - at meal times we take turns in reading a spiritual book, so that we can keep the prayerful silence. :getholy:

The first time I went to one of these retreats I was totally exhausted by the end! Totally prayed out and kneeled out! My knees hurt! But - I wouldn’t miss them for the world.
They give me spiritual energy, and encourage me to persevere. :bounce:
Joan, I’m with you on the Opus Dei retreats - they’re great. I love the silence - it’s a relief not to have to talk to anybody - and such a treat to get to know everyone at the final meal. In the past few years, we’ve been having books on tape at meals - last time it was Witness to Hope, the Pope’s biography.

I love waiting to hear from the Holy Spirit - sometimes it’s in a meditation, sometimes in reading (what great books there are to read!), sometimes in prayer. I always come away with a message and a resolution (or a few resolutions!).

My most memorable was way back in 1987 or 88 - I had just returned to “taking my faith seriously” from being only a Sunday Catholic for about 7 years, and the overwhelming message from God was, “I love you!” I was just astonished at how great His love is. *He * loves me! Amazing!

Please describe what a “retreat” is, and what it’s supposed to do. They are advertised in our parish bulletin from time to time, but whenever I’ve asked for more information, no one seems to know what goes on at a retreat.
A retreat is a time where you set aside the world and focus on God. It can take many diverse forms.

Some retreats are multi-day events where you sleep over in a retreat center (of sorts). Some are silent (for the retreatant). Some include spiritual direction. Some include talks for meditation upon. Some on focused on a theme, such as a “Life in the Spirit” retreat. Some are family-based. Some are couple-based, such as marriage encounter. Some follow a rigid schedule. Some are very loose and individual-oriented. Some take place at a dedicated location to get away from the distractions of the world.
Please describe what a “retreat” is, and what it’s supposed to do. They are advertised in our parish bulletin from time to time, but whenever I’ve asked for more information, no one seems to know what goes on at a retreat.
TA Stobie provided a good summary. Here is a link to the retreat center I go to: www.whretreat.org

This will provide an overview to how the Jesuits do it. One of the tabs lists the daily schedule which might answer some of your questions.
The weekend spiritual exercises put on by the Legionaries of Christ were a life changer for me!

I would have to say the Engaged Encounter Weekend that I attended over 17 years ago…what a great preparation for the sacrament of matrimony 👍
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