What we should do if the Catholics were being physically persecuted?

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My daughter and I were having a discussion and she believes if the Catholics were being killed and persecuted that it is better to just hide the best we can and then die as a martyr. She believes that we should not take up arms and fight for our selves and family. I think it would be a just cause to fight the best we can.
Did Jesus say that if someone slaps you on one cheek, then you should turn the other cheek? Wouldn’t that mean that turning the other cheek, or the passive resistance of Ghandi, is the best thing to do when you are being attacked?
In a sense, your daughter is correct and so are you. Martyrdom is not to be sought out explicitly. Ecclesiastical history and traditions tell of how a lot of ‘zealous’ souls went to the lions in the arena… only for them to start banging on the doors as soon as the lions were shown. They sadly died in both states of physical and spiritual death.

There was the case of the Christero War a century ago. However, that was an extreme case and it was done with prudence and Charity on the Catholic side, but not so on the Secularist side. We know of only eight major battles fought (plus some skirmishes, but in all honesty, I don’t know enough Mexican history, sadly.) After a time, the Catholics won and the church bells rang again.

So, you are both essentially correct in a sense. We are to hide as we are called to preserve our lives. ‘Martyrdom must come from the heart, not from Rome’ as history tells us.

Bear in mind though: I am neither a theologian, or a scholar. I am just some poor, broke, dumb Catholic with an anxiety disorder that knows a thing or two, because I read articles, books, and such. Don’t just take my word for it. As scripture does indeed tell us: there is wisdom in many counselors’. Though, if I am wrong in this, please feel free to correct me and I will happily do so and accept.
Every one should fight when being attacked. If someone want to be martyr s/he must do the best for self religion. Jesus advise for turning other cheek is about forgiving and not acting furiously.
  1. Be tolerant, and command decency, and avoid the ignorant. (Qur’an:Al-Araf-7)
“If you die, make sure you die on camera”
Random non-Catholic non-Christian dystopia mindset that I do not remember the source.
Death on camera creates sympathy, awareness, credible proof for Genocide Watchdogs, reminds others to take the Faith seriously.

Devils advocate:
Early Church, Christians murdered in arenas, high visibility to genocide watchdogs, yet no immediate end.
Did Jesus say that if someone slaps you on one cheek, then you should turn the other cheek? Wouldn’t that mean that turning the other cheek, or the passive resistance of Ghandi, is the best thing to do when you are being attacked?
Are you suggesting that if an attacker comes into your home shouting he hates Christians and is going to kill you and your family you should just stand by and let him kill everyone??
Are you suggesting that if an attacker comes into your home shouting he hates Christians and is going to kill you and your family you should just stand by and let him kill everyone??
Yes. This is the commandment of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity who commanded: "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. "
Matthew 5:39
Yes. This is the commandment of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity who commanded: "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. "
Matthew 5:39
That certainly does not mean what you imply it means!

Why did Jesus tell his disciples to buy swords??

Luke 22:36 He said to them, "But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.
I think for these kinds of questions, it is better to wait until the physical persecution actually arrives and then decide what you will do, because you never know whether you’ll run, hide, fight, or simply stand up and be martyred until the actual situation arrives at your door.

You can speculate all day long about how you’d do this and that and yet when the police come knocking you might do something totally different.
The question reminds me of another question:

If you were accused of being a Christian, would they have enough evidence to convict you?

The time to stand up for your faith is not in some hypothetical future, but right now. Even so, these far-fetched scenarios may help us to understand everyday moral choices.
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That certainly does not mean what you imply it means!
OK. Can you tell me what Matthew 5: 39 means?
I could be wrong, but I thought that " Do not resist an evil person" meant that you should not resist an evil person.
As I agree you will not know what you would do we are trying to decide what God would want us to do in such a situation and what is the best way we should do something.
That certainly does not mean what you imply it means!
OK. Can you tell me what Matthew 5: 39 means?
I could be wrong, but I thought that " Do not resist an evil person" meant that you should not resist an evil person.
You need to take it in context

Read all of Matthew 5:17-50

He is not discussing those who are trying to murder you or your loved ones. He is talking about those trying to hurt you, discredit you, or accuse you.

There is a fine difference.

God bless
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He is talking about those trying to hurt you
If someone starts a fight and slaps you on the cheek, should you defend yourself, or should you turn the other cheek and let him slap you more?
You can defend yourself, but you should not seek revenge.
I’d take up arms, first against buildings, property and weapons, and then against persons. I can choose to walk away from a slap, or respond in self-defense if another slap is coming. When weapons are involved, self-defense means shooting first when it is known that you will be shot at.
In the unlikely event that this were to happen in my country, I pray God would grant me the strength to die with my rifle in my hands. We have the holy examples of Charles Martel at Tours, the Knights Hospitaller at Malta, the naval forces at Lepanto, the Hussars at Vienna, and so many more to look up to.
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