There has been something troubling me for the past two weeks, and I would really appreciate your advice on it. During our last CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish) meeting one of the men, and leaders of the group used some inappropriate language (like f… and gd). I mean it didn’t offend me, I hear those words way too often, but it did offend The Spirit in me, and it was inappropriate.
I shouldn’t judge and I don’t want to create a rift in our relationship or a ripple in the group. The churches that I grew up in would have publicly chastised him and forced him to step down from his leadership role! One of the many things I like about our Catholic faith is that everyone seems to be more tolerant with each other and less judgemental, however, some things are just wrong! How do you deal with these issues when you encounter them?
I shouldn’t judge and I don’t want to create a rift in our relationship or a ripple in the group. The churches that I grew up in would have publicly chastised him and forced him to step down from his leadership role! One of the many things I like about our Catholic faith is that everyone seems to be more tolerant with each other and less judgemental, however, some things are just wrong! How do you deal with these issues when you encounter them?