I agree. So how would you evangelize? How does one go about helping teens believe?
And puzzleannie–
This “Youth Group” consists of 12-15 year old 7th and 8th graders.
The original director had the kids doing this…
As a big group
2.icebreaker game
3.explanation of what they were going to learn
then the kids would spilt into 4 class rooms, 2 -7th grade and 2- 8th grade classes.
Then each teacher would teach a lesson from a very outdated text book.
puzzleannie are you saying what I described is not a Youth Group?
That actually sounds like a Catechism class, to me. Learning does take place at Youth Group, but it’s not “book learning” - it’s experiential learning.
A standard outline for a Youth meeting would be:
7:00 - 7:10 Welcoming and Icebreaker activity.
7:10-7:15 Opening song, prayer (include kids’ prayer intentions), key Scripture verse or Catechism concept (one sentence).
Introduction to the theme (5-minute talk by the leader)
7:20- 7:40 Game
7:40 - 8:00 Skit
8:00 - 8:15 Round Table Discussion (Snack) - if the group is large, you would divide into smaller groups of no more than 5-6. It is customary to offer a snack to the kids at this time.)
Response to the Theme
8:15 - 8:30 Creative Response (make a picture, make a video, invent your own skit, write a poem, etc.)
8:30 - 8:45 Presentations (kids present their creative response to the rest of the group)
8:45 - 9:00 pm Concluding Discussion (what did we learn today? Relate it back to the key verse or Catechism concept) and Wrap-up (Announcements, final prayer with kids’ prayer intentions included, dismissal).
You would adapt the above to suit your time frame and the needs of your group.