What y'all think about the immigrant issue?

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IPersonally i think its wrong for them to be treating them Mexicans badly. i mean they just want to come to the U.S. and i think they should let them. I mean they are human like the rest of us. Not all of them are criminals or bad people. why aren’t they messing with the ones from China, Indi, Canada and themother countries. they are just picking on the people from Mexico that is just messed up.

Over here in Lubbock,Tx oh my Gosh man. Randy Nagebauer is calling us hispanics terrorists, criminals and even them mexicans. He did campaigns for us hispanics and then he wants to turn around and call us terrorists that hateful childish punk. Us hispanics are what make Lubbock. If he don’t like it then he can get the heck out thats the way i see it. As for the rest of the government they just need to toleave them alone and let them mexicans be. they come here to work and start a familya dn a fresh sater but do they see it that way no. Just let them mexicans be they aren’t doing anything wron. thats the way I feel about it.
What I think is that this needs to be posted in the Immigration subforum.
IPersonally i think its wrong for them to be treating them Mexicans badly.
Just let them mexicans be they aren’t doing anything wron. thats the way I feel about it.
Let me see now! No one invited them to illegally cross the border. So if they do not like it here all they have to do is backpeddle across the border.

No one is giving them permission to trespass upon other peoples property.

No one is treating them badly. Just treating them like the criminal’s they are for entering this country illegally without being invited.

There are legal ways to enter a country and breaking the law and climbing over a border fence or sneaking in is not acceptable.
Over here in Lubbock,Tx oh my Gosh man. Randy Nagebauer is calling us hispanics terrorists, criminals and even them mexicans. He did campaigns for us hispanics and then he wants to turn around and call us terrorists that hateful childish punk.
As a congressman Randy Neugebauer should represent and promote the interests of all Americans in his district. I am really surprised to read your statement that he is demonizing Hispanics.
There’s an immigrant issue? Or is there an illegal immigrant issue?

I think it’s a shame Mexico isn’t a super power house economic state in the world today. They have oil and arguably the most beautiful beaches in the world. Between just oil exports and tourism Mexico could really take care of her economic problems. If they then used both of those and added in international banking they could really be booming. This would require the leadership in the Mexican government to be more concerned with the citizens and the future of the country than their own wallets and personal power.

The problem with illegal immigration of Mexicans coming into the US is Mexico. Since non-Mexican persons can’t fix Mexico, the US must simply enforce our own laws. The Mexican people will have to fix Mexico.
The illegal immigration problem could be solved in a week if the President would authorize homeowners, citizens’ patrols, and the border patrol to use lethal force against anyone attempting to enter the country illegally. It wouldn’t take many casualties before the illegal immigration rate dropped like a stone.

Seem harsh? Not to these people:

The Victims of Illegal Immigration

The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave

Crime Victims of Illegal Aliens
The illegal immigration problem could be solved in a week if the President would authorize homeowners, citizens’ patrols, and the border patrol to use lethal force against anyone attempting to enter the country illegally. It wouldn’t take many casualties before the illegal immigration rate dropped like a stone.

Seem harsh? Not to these people:

The Victims of Illegal Immigration

The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave

Crime Victims of Illegal Aliens
What if they’re already here? Then what? They’ll be rounding up anyone who just ‘looks Mexican’, even if they are a US citizen.

Now, maybe if Canada, US, and Mexico formed the North American Union…
What if they’re already here? Then what? They’ll be rounding up anyone who just ‘looks Mexican’, even if they are a US citizen…
What’s the problem? If it’s completely impossible to separate legal from illegal aliens, why bother having an immigration department at all? I have a reasonable amount of faith in the acumen of the relevant government agencies.
I was referring to the point about having everyday citizens voluneteer to look for illegal immigrants.
I was referring to the point about having everyday citizens voluneteer to look for illegal immigrants.
Actually deputizing citizens to look for illegals might present problems, but I’m sure the government could set up a snitch line.

On citizens patrols, well, I’m fairly sure they can figure out who is crossing the border illegally and who isn’t, based on whether the person is crossing at an official checkpoint, or through the desert.
I was referring to the point about having everyday citizens voluneteer to look for illegal immigrants.
If FedGov would do the job it is tasked with (enforcing the laws), we citizens could go about our business.

Pax Tecum,
If you were to deputize people to help out, then that would make sense, but you can’t give them any power to use force. The Minutemen have taken it on themselves to report illegal crossers, and, personally, I think they’re a reasonably okay group, although their founder’s a wacko. A bunch of them are Mexican, actually.

You can’t kill people for entering the country illegally; this isn’t Edo period Japan.

I make one exception to that: coyotes. Them you hang on pikes a la Vlad the Impaler.

9/10 the people in AZ probably agree with me on that. Higher, you take just the Mexican opinions.
You can’t kill people for entering the country illegally; this isn’t Edo period Japan.
Maybe it should be. Countries have the right to repel invasions by any force necessary. Ten million (conservative estimate) illegal aliens already in the US, and tens of millions more willing to come (hundreds of millions if overseas is counted) certainly counts as an invasion.

It’s absurd to have border patrol agents armed with guns if they’re never going to use them - why not arm them like British bobbies? They’re a completely useless force already so let them dress the part.
“Give me your poor…” Statue of Liberty
The immigration issue is a political mess. The politicians and their supporters aren’t going to fix it. It doesn’t need an overhaul, it needs to be replaced.
I think that people who want to live in a foreign country should apply for citizenship like everyone has to. My husband had to apply to become a landed immigrant in Canada from Germany.
He became a citizen in 2003. He went through the proper channels to become a Canadian citizen. Sure, it cost him alot of money, but so what? He did it according to the laws. No one should be allowed free entry unless their country has unbearable living conditions, is in war, exct. That is acceptable. But to delberatley enter a country without just cause is not acceptable.
People need to go through the immigration process just like anyone else has to. This is why we have immigration policies in efffect.
originally posted by Hastrman
9/10 the people in AZ probably agree with me on that
Well, THIS Arizonan certainly does!
Been in an emergency room lately? All the illegals getting free treatment because of the ACCESS program that we, the taxpayer, are paying for!
If you are a LEGAL poor person, that’s one thing, but I am sick to the death of paying for the food, education and health care of people who aren’t even in this country legally and can’t or refuse to speak the language and don’t even bother to apply for citizenship.
Seen the TONS of trash these people leave in their desert crossing path? It’s horrible and volunteers have to go out pick it all up.
Don’t get into a car accident with one either. One out of every 12 accidents here involves an illegal with, of course, no insurance.
For those who don’t live here, I know this little tirade sounds harsh but we live it day to day.
Well I guess Osama Bin Laden is satisfied. Isn’t this what he wanted? For us to change our way of life? To live in fear and paranoia? Immigration is nothing new. Look around, this whole country is the home of immigrants. What’s 11 million more, especially since they are already here? There is one distinguishing factor among the most recent wave of “immigrants”. Many are related to the orginal migrants who settled this land dating back to the last Ice Age. They, unlike us, did not take this land from anyone. We’ve made them foreigners in their own homeland. Mexico, Canada and the USA all imposed our borders, our rules, on these people. So ok, they now have to work under a different set of rules. But, why all the villanization and willingness to spend enormous amounts of time and money on group of people, millions of them, who had nothing to do with 9/11. Our security? Really? Listen their record is better than our own citizens and those who came here legally. Being here “illegally” does not make them terrorists or our enemy or even invaders. They are here for the same reason they have always come, jobs. We can easily relieve the stress along our borders simply by increasing our quotas to realistically meet our labor needs. Historically, the ebb and flow of their migration has always been tied to our demand for their labor. High demand they come. When there are no jobs not only do they stop coming, they leave on their own. Yes, the poor do cost us initially. But, haven’t we seen much growth and wealth from the ranks of the poor in our past? We are strong and mighty because of our immigration. Let’s not forget that.
Erroneous points in Ituyu’s post.
  1. “Well I guess Osama Bin Laden is satisfied.” A complete non sequitir.
  2. “This whole country is the home of immigrants.” What land isn’t? Every land is the “home of immigrants.” Unless your family has been living in Kenya for the past seven million years, guess what, you’re an immigrant.
  3. “What’s 11 million more.” Why have immigration controls at all? What’s 100 million more?
  4. “We’ve made them foreigners in their own homeland.” According to Kennewick man (cf. Google), white people are among the oldest inhabitants of North America. Who dispossessed who?
  5. “Being here “illegally” does not make them terrorists.” Illegal immigrants depress wages, steal welfare, steal healthcare, contribute to a criminal atmosphere (due to their illicit status), and help destroy the cultural solidarity of the country. They also bring more than a few fugitive criminals with them. Immigration per se is not the problem, massive, uncontrolled immigration is.
Note: Why would you put “illegal” in quotation marks? They are illegal aliens, indisputably, under America law.
  1. “We can easily relieve the stress along our borders simply by increasing our quotas to realistically meet our labor needs.” Really? What if more people come? They’re here anyway, so we might as well raise the quota again, right? Why have quotas at all?
  2. “Haven’t we seen much growth and wealth from the ranks of the poor in our past?” “Growth” and “wealth” are not the point. The poor immigrants of the past came to assimilate and build America qua America. The Mexican immigrants are not coming to assimilate, they are coming to create Aztlan (cf. Google) and fracture the US for the sake of their hatred of white people.
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