What's a good prenatal vitamen?

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No, I’m not pregnant…yet.
But, a while back, I heard from a fiew people that it’s a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamens when trying to concieve.

I read some great information in “fertility cycles and nutrition” a year or so ago, but I am unble to locate the book. (probably in a box somewhere) I remember that she reccomended a certain vitamen brand, but can’t remember what it’s called. Anyone on here know? Or does anyone have another good recomendation?

I remember Carol Shannon said that the vitamens the dr.'s usually prescribe aren’t nearly the quality that you can get at the health food store. Cost really isn’t much of an issue for me. When it comes to my health, I don’t want the cheepest thing. I want the best.

I appriciate your (name removed by moderator)ut 🙂
I honestly think they’re all the same. I started out with some from the health food store, they were very pricey and had to be taken 4 times daily with food and water…and “in the beginning” I was NOT eating 4 times daily…I felt too yucky. Plus…it was really inconvenient and I would always forget how many I’d had that day.

I moved on to some from Wal-Mart, and the types of stuff in them and amounts were the same as the fancy ones. Some of the pre-natals prescribed by OB’s contain extra stuff like Omega 3 fatty acids (which are VERY good for baby’s brain) but you can get that by eating healthy (eggs, salmon, etc). I would say to look at your diet and nutrition and if you aren’t eating well, to start there, and then take the vitamins as a supplement…they’re not supposed to replace good nutrition. This is the diet my childbirth classes mandate: www.blueribbonbaby.org. I would maybe scale it back a bit (it’s a lot of food if you’re only eating for one!) but it will give you the general idea. Also make sure you drink lots of water. 🙂

The better your life-style habits are now, the better they will be when God blesses you with a little one to care for 🙂
I’ve used the Target brand because I was told they are fairly gentle on your stomach and I haven’t had any problems, even through my worst morning sickness, with holding these down. My main recommendation is that once you do conceive, take them at night right before you go to bed to avoid any possible nausea and/or throwing them back up. 🙂 Like queen_anne said, I think they’re pretty much all the same more or less.
I’ve used the Target brand because I was told they are fairly gentle on your stomach and I haven’t had any problems, even through my worst morning sickness, with holding these down.
Ditto 🙂
My main recommendation is that once you do conceive, take them at night right before you go to bed to avoid any possible nausea and/or throwing them back up.
Ditto 🙂
Like queen_anne said, I think they’re pretty much all the same more or less.
Ditto 😃
what about this one;

American prolife enterprise 1-800-227-8359
Professional prenatal formula by lifetime

A friend just told me about it and it’s the one that Ms. Shannon talked about in her book. A portion of the money you spend on it goes towards the pro-life cause. Any of you ever try it? Was it too pricy? My friend said it’s like $20 for a one month supply. is that a lot?
I don’t believe all vitamins are created equal. If money was no object, I would definitely be taking better ones!

Go into your local health food store and ask questions. If they seem knowledgable, then go with their recommendations. If I could afford it, I’d be taking a liquid supplement as it is much easier to absorb and you get more out of it.

All I took before conceiving was folic acid (super important!!!) because I ate pretty healthy. And they say to take it when there is even a small chance of conception because it can have an effect on neural tube development. By the time you find out you are pregnant (if you haven’t been taking it), some damage may have already been done.

I’m not pregnant and not trying to conceive, but not trying not to either. 😃

My doctor told me that taking the store brand is fine (though I do agree with Feanaro’s Wife that there probably is a better way if you go natural). So I’m taking the Meijer brand right now. Back in the day when I took the prescription ones I would get very sick to my stomach on them so had to take them at night.

My step-sister just had a baby and she took the store brand as well, CVS I think. Then once she got to her Ob she was put on a prescription brand with a stool softener which she preferred.

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