What's a realistic Christian friendly exclamation someone can make?

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When someone sees something horrible. I’m writing a short book. I don’t want to have the character say OMG unless you think it would be okay if it’s not done in vain.

Appreciate it. Thanks.
They could gasp, faint, scream, clutch their pearls, punch a wall, stamp their foot…
When someone sees something horrible. I’m writing a short book. I don’t want to have the character say OMG unless you think it would be okay if it’s not done in vain.

Appreciate it. Thanks.
Oh mah goodnizz!

Wat da frick?

Holy smokes!

Aw snap!


Ay caramba!

Holy cow!

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Found this about a month ago and my teens and I had a good laugh, but it is a great list of alternative phrases and words.
Goodness gracious
Oh my goodness
Oh my gosh
What in the world
What on earth
I guess that “D*** me for a Protestant” isn’t really an option?

😱 :crazy_face: 🤣

More seriously, it’s your character, just make up your own nonsense word, or your own expression. Using an existing one is likely to end up stilted.
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