What's everyone's opinion on "Terri's Law"?

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I think it is murder by taking away Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube. Terri’s Law is justifiable in that it preseves life just as God has intended. What does Michael Schiavo have to gain by her death?
Terri’s law was good stewardship of the law. It’s defeat - awful.

This whole case is incredibly sad from start to finish. Her husband who put her in her present state (which by the way is not considered PVS) is getting away with it. He’s an alduterer who has abandoned his vows (and his sworn testimony regarding taking care of and rehabilitating her), fathered children with someone else and will probably profit from her demise. Dissident priests have rallied for her murder, judges who are interpreting the law and have vested interests in this case and who are ignoring the testimony of several experts who declare that she could gain back much if given therapy, are still being allowed to sit on the bench. Even after the Pope’s latest document on this issue, Terri’s bishop refuses to do nothing to help her and enforce Church teachings, etc., etc., etc. This woman has survived 2 efforts to starve her to death, several bouts of pneumonia with no medication, substandard care, isolation and has still managed to live.

Hopefully her family’s wishes to love and care for her until her natural death will triumph!!! Please continue to pray for her as the court process continues.

It makes me wonder whether another American Revolution will be fought against the tyrannical judiciary. I would prefer that it be fought with votes of impeachment.
It saddens and scares me all at the same time, judges are striking laws that protect the right to life on a regular bases. First they take away the safety of babies in the womb, and now adults in the hospital bed. Is this Holland or the USA, I am disabled and I am very careful to make sure all the adults in my family know just what I want if something happens where I can’t speak for myself. What her husband is doing is inhumane, if he tried to do the same thing to a animal he would be put in jail.

Linda H.
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