Does the pope get to chose his on title/name while he is in office?
I think he chooses it immediately upon his election. They count the votes, ask him if he accepts, and ask what will he be called. Then he is vested and led out to address the crowds.Does the pope get to chose his on title/name while he is in office?
I think he chooses it immediately upon his election. They count the votes, ask him if he accepts, and ask what will he be called. Then he is vested and led out to address the crowds.
This is from a fuzzy memory so don’t bet on the details.
Exporter said:*****************************************************************************
Joe Kelly, I agree with you, so both of us are correct.
- When the election has canonically taken place, the junior Cardinal Deacon summons into the hall of election the Secretary of the College of Cardinals and the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations. The Cardinal Dean, or the Cardinal who is first in order and seniority, in the name of the whole College of electors, then asks the consent of the one elected in the following words: *Do you accept your canonical election as Supreme Pontiff? * And, as soon as he has received the consent, he asks him: *By what name do you wish to be called? * Then the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, acting as notary and having as witnesses two Masters of Ceremonies, who are to be summoned at that moment, draws up a document certifying acceptance by the new Pope and the name taken by him.
:clapping: :tiphat: :bounce: :yup: :bowdown:
I understand that JP2 likes Pope jokes. He’d love this one! funnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee