I don’t understand this theory of prosperity and God wanting us to be materially rich. I grew up in the Assembly of God Church but was baptized a Catholic. Recently, as I have been journeying back to the Church, my eyes have been opened to vast amount of energy being preached about prosperity. Every time I went to a service the majority of the sermons were about giving so that God could bless you with abundance and you could give more.
Nice idea but how does that justify gold Rolex watches and $3 million dollar homes like Benny Hinn? For many years I watched him on TV and specifically TBN network and it is the theme of every program. No Joke!!!
I even heard one preacher go as far as to say that Jesus was materially rich–He had a seamless tunic and supported all of his disciple(ie… money bag) with money. They pointed out the fact that Jesus needed money to fund his ministry and welfare of the disiples --noting Judas as the treasurer. And people fall for this!!! Benny Hinn says God doesn’t want you to be poor because then you cannot bless others.
We must pray that the blinders fall from the eyes of sincere believers so they are not so easily deceived. I believe money is neccessary for some parts of our lives but not integral to our existance. God blesses us in far too many others aspects. I for one do not want to have to answer to God about living a life of luxury while proclaiming Christ. It’s contradictory!!
The day my eyes were opened I was watching a TBN show called “The God Chasers” with Tommy Tenney and I couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying because my eyes were locked on the word “Versace” written on the side of his glasses!! That ruined the whole message for me.
Anyone out there agree with my analysis and have heard ministers preach the Prosperity Doctrine.
Paul Crouch of TBN was quoted as saying, “What do the critics want me to preach—the poverity theory. We are not going to be held down by that wicked way of thinking–it’s a trick of the Devil to make you think you should be poor”.
Nice idea but how does that justify gold Rolex watches and $3 million dollar homes like Benny Hinn? For many years I watched him on TV and specifically TBN network and it is the theme of every program. No Joke!!!
I even heard one preacher go as far as to say that Jesus was materially rich–He had a seamless tunic and supported all of his disciple(ie… money bag) with money. They pointed out the fact that Jesus needed money to fund his ministry and welfare of the disiples --noting Judas as the treasurer. And people fall for this!!! Benny Hinn says God doesn’t want you to be poor because then you cannot bless others.
We must pray that the blinders fall from the eyes of sincere believers so they are not so easily deceived. I believe money is neccessary for some parts of our lives but not integral to our existance. God blesses us in far too many others aspects. I for one do not want to have to answer to God about living a life of luxury while proclaiming Christ. It’s contradictory!!
The day my eyes were opened I was watching a TBN show called “The God Chasers” with Tommy Tenney and I couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying because my eyes were locked on the word “Versace” written on the side of his glasses!! That ruined the whole message for me.
Anyone out there agree with my analysis and have heard ministers preach the Prosperity Doctrine.
Paul Crouch of TBN was quoted as saying, “What do the critics want me to preach—the poverity theory. We are not going to be held down by that wicked way of thinking–it’s a trick of the Devil to make you think you should be poor”.