Eh - I am happy to see this question. I love the many responces. I am A Catholic Brother. I think there might be a bit of an increase in Religious vocations among males if we Brothers said more about who we are. I love the priesthood, and sometimes thought I might like to be a Priest, but all in all, my vocation is to be a Brother in the Church and a Brother to all mankind. I love to talk, teach, and write (I am an author and public speeker). If I was a priest, I’d have to limit my talk to about five minute on Sunday.
Well, hopefully there’s more to this than having more time to talk than a Priest. I wanted to be a priest since before I made 1st Communion. My parish priest back then was great with kids and loved Jesus. But, it was when I got to Junior High age that I met Brothers. They were great with us kids. since then, I saw Brothers taking care of the poor, dedicating themselves in prayer, living community, singing and chanting, teaching, taking care of the old and sick. One of my minor duties is to be soert of a practical nurse when the need arrises in our community. Mostly, I am in media. I’ve operated TV cameras, directed TV for Sunday Mass, produced a couple minor 15 minuet TV spots, ran a magazine for pastors and pastoral leadership, and much more.
The Religious Brotherhood is a great life. Depending on the Order, there is every career in the Brotherhood as in secular life. The big difference is you are consecrated to Christ in what you do full time. Mass Media High tech Brother MOnk? You bet - getting the Word out.