Whats the Protestant response to 2Pet 3:16?

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I was wondering what the response is of those who follow Sola Scriptura, in which 2 Peter 3:16 basically says you can’t interpret scripture yourself, etc.

“**16He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.”
-NIV Translation

More or less it usually comes down to saying that when a person goes through training to become a minister that they are taught, so they are no longer among the “untaught” (yours says ignoranrt), and that they in turn teach those at their church. As far as the folks that dont go to church and just follow Jesus “on their own,” I don’t know.
Hi canadianlife,

If you want to really stump a Protestant, ask them where Sola Scriptura is taught in the Bible.
Okay, a person might argue that the person who has received the HS has no need of anyone to teach them. They might also argue that the spiritual things can only be understood by the spiritual. So the believer with the HS is not meant by this passage in 1Peter.

If you don’t recognize the scriptural allusions in that, see 1Cor2 and 1John near the end of ch2.

(I am just guessing a probably response. It is not my response.)
All of us protestants have an interpretors tradition of some sort – be it through a pastor’s sermons, favorite bible comemtaries or favorite study bibles or just books we read. Most protestants do not read many books and depend on what their church teaches or what they have “learned” from the christian media.
With regard to the passage of 2 Peter 3:16, there were some troublemakers as I understand it who tried to pit Paul, the evangelist to the Gentiles, with Peter, the evangelist to the Jews. One of the means they would use to do this was to try to state that Peter and Paul criticized each other in their writings. This verse was written by Peter to put that controversy to rest. We all know St. Paul’s writings went very deeply into the grace of God, Peter was merely stating that yes the epistles of St. Paul were very deep but he agreed with their main themes.

George Everson
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