My husband and I have been staggering Masses because our daughter is high risk and the bishop has said that those who are high risk for covid should refrain from attending Mass. One day it was raining and a guy who usually walks to Mass asked for a ride so I gave him one. He seemed harmless. The next couple of weeks, he asked for rides. He said his lawn mower was broken. We gave him ours since we use a lawn service now. I felt weird giving a man a ride every week so my husband and I switched Masses and my husband started driving him home. This guy friended us on Facebook. We accepted. He called me a few times. I answered politely but didn’t engage in conversation. Then he left a voicemail in response to a facebook post, “Everyone has risque pictures on their phone…except you.” I didn’t return the call. Then he posted something about how we shouldn’t judge those who sin differently than us. I’m not comfortable with my husband giving him rides anymore. So my husband plans on going to a different Mass . My dilemma is, do we tell this guy that we will no longer be able to give him rides? I don’t want to be mean. I don’t want to be confrontational. And I really don’t know how to handle this. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.