What's the trouble about 'Happy Feet'?

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Apparently the animated movie ‘Happy Feet’ about Tap-Dancing and singing Penguins is a lot more than it’s been advertized… Personally I’m all for an animated film that contains complex themes, but keep in mind whether this is something you want your children to see…

An early look (Warning: Some foul language)
Apparently the animated movie ‘Happy Feet’ about Tap-Dancing and singing Penguins is a lot more than it’s been advertized… Personally I’m all for an animated film that contains complex themes, but keep in mind whether this is something you want your children to see…

An early look (Warning: Some foul language)
*Some *foul language? The F word appears several times in most paragraphs (after the few intro paragraphs). Just wanted to clarify that for anyone else.
I had to get through the profanity just to read the article, but from what I read, the film does seem to be more than what it seems. I wouldn’t want to see it based on what I read there. Any other reviews about this film?
This guy seems like a bit of a nutter. I hated the animated disney movie “Spirit” for it’s blatent attack on the settlers of America, and its phony idealistic portrial of indians. The movie acted as if the the indians were not hunters!!! And even if they were they killed one buffalo…maybe…

** spoilers**
Happy Feet, which I will be seeing, sounds like a good movie.
Insted of seeing the “Giant Penguin in the Sky” as God…what about if its “Secularism”…wow that makes ALOT more sence. Secularism that hides itself from true evils and reality. Secularism that sais that evil dosn’t exist and tries to blame it on the persons who know the truth. We live in a world of conformity where one who tries to change, tries to stand out, and tries to come to the TRUTH is ostracized and blamed on bad in the world. Why are their abotions? Cause the Catholics don’t like birth control. Why do families break apart? Cause the christians can’t accept homosexual children. Why is our world starving? Becuase Catholic have too many children!!!

See…just as Happy Feet’s charater Mumble, is blamed on the starvation, christian-catholics are blamed on what’s wrong with our society.

The giant penguin in the sky being God…PISH…its an idol, its false. It would be a silly representiation of our GOD becuause mass culture dosn’t follow God. Mass culture wants to break away. If the story was about Mumble being the last one to believe in the penguin in the sky and then repenting his ways…THEN I’d believe it was an affront to Christendom.

See, beucause my God isn’t in the sky. The only gods in the sky are skyscrapers and airplanes and private jets, all an impact of a get-rich-quick society.

Also, the “aliens” see penguins as usless and in the way…hmm we have a moslem culture that sees US in America as usless and even dangerous to their ideals.
This guy seems like a bit of a nutter. I hated the animated disney movie “Spirit” for it’s blatent attack on the settlers of America, and its phony idealistic portrial of indians. The movie acted as if the the indians were not hunters!!! And even if they were they killed one buffalo…maybe…

** spoilers**
Happy Feet, which I will be seeing, sounds like a good movie.
Insted of seeing the “Giant Penguin in the Sky” as God…what about if its “Secularism”…wow that makes ALOT more sence. Secularism that hides itself from true evils and reality. Secularism that sais that evil dosn’t exist and tries to blame it on the persons who know the truth. We live in a world of conformity where one who tries to change, tries to stand out, and tries to come to the TRUTH is ostracized and blamed on bad in the world. Why are their abotions? Cause the Catholics don’t like birth control. Why do families break apart? Cause the christians can’t accept homosexual children. Why is our world starving? Becuase Catholic have too many children!!!

See…just as Happy Feet’s charater Mumble, is blamed on the starvation, christian-catholics are blamed on what’s wrong with our society.

The giant penguin in the sky being God…PISH…its an idol, its false. It would be a silly representiation of our GOD becuause mass culture dosn’t follow God. Mass culture wants to break away. If the story was about Mumble being the last one to believe in the penguin in the sky and then repenting his ways…THEN I’d believe it was an affront to Christendom.

See, beucause my God isn’t in the sky. The only gods in the sky are skyscrapers and airplanes and private jets, all an impact of a get-rich-quick society.

Also, the “aliens” see penguins as usless and in the way…hmm we have a moslem culture that sees US in America as usless and even dangerous to their ideals.
Yeah, I’m pretty much going to have to argge here. The article sounded a bit off the wall to me. I don’t see it as Christian or religion bashing. And I don’t see anything wrong with the message about captivity and all that. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie.
This guy seems like a bit of a nutter. I hated the animated disney movie “Spirit” for it’s blatent attack on the settlers of America, and its phony idealistic portrial of indians. The movie acted as if the the indians were not hunters!!! And even if they were they killed one buffalo…maybe…

** spoilers**
Happy Feet, which I will be seeing, sounds like a good movie.
Insted of seeing the “Giant Penguin in the Sky” as God…what about if its “Secularism”…wow that makes ALOT more sence. Secularism that hides itself from true evils and reality. Secularism that sais that evil dosn’t exist and tries to blame it on the persons who know the truth. We live in a world of conformity where one who tries to change, tries to stand out, and tries to come to the TRUTH is ostracized and blamed on bad in the world. Why are their abotions? Cause the Catholics don’t like birth control. Why do families break apart? Cause the christians can’t accept homosexual children. Why is our world starving? Becuase Catholic have too many children!!!

See…just as Happy Feet’s charater Mumble, is blamed on the starvation, christian-catholics are blamed on what’s wrong with our society.

The giant penguin in the sky being God…PISH…its an idol, its false. It would be a silly representiation of our GOD becuause mass culture dosn’t follow God. Mass culture wants to break away. If the story was about Mumble being the last one to believe in the penguin in the sky and then repenting his ways…THEN I’d believe it was an affront to Christendom.

See, beucause my God isn’t in the sky. The only gods in the sky are skyscrapers and airplanes and private jets, all an impact of a get-rich-quick society.

Also, the “aliens” see penguins as usless and in the way…hmm we have a moslem culture that sees US in America as usless and even dangerous to their ideals.
Yeah, I’m pretty much going to have to argge here. The article sounded a bit off the wall to me. I don’t see it as Christian or religion bashing. And I don’t see anything wrong with the message about captivity and all that. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie.
I took my kids to see it over the weekend. I hadn’t read any reviews, but had seen the preview for it at another movie months ago.

I felt the advertising was deceptive. We were looking forward to a cute, tap dancing musical about penguins and it looked like the theme would be about accepting differences (he can’t sing, but dances).

The first part of the movie was good. We enjoyed the music and dancing and the overall theme of the movie.

I didn’t like the overt sexual comments, in particular the scene where there’s a fake psychic penguin, flustered by being questioned by the hero of the movie, gathers his harem of 6 penguin women and says they are going to the “eternal pleasure couch” and then asks, “Which one of you ladies wants to go first?”

Then in the second half it takes a rather bizarre, very serious turn that stereotypes religious figures and demonizes zoos and people that aren’t card carrying members of Greenpeace. It went from cartoon to live action adults arguing about how we’re responsible for killing the penguins.

It was just bizarre and inappropriate for something marketed as a light-hearted kids movie. I felt ambushed and while a lot of it just confused my kids, it didn’t necessarily harm them. I think parents need to be forewarned though.
Thank you! I was planning on taking my kids to see this. I often check movies out on sites like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (I’m not sure if that’s the exact name, but they have good reviews for content), but I really thought this one was geared for younger kids. I never would have checked it, & my kids, 8 & 11, would have picked up on some of this. I will never understand why they need to put stuff like this in a kid’s movie. I guess they’re banking on the fact that it will bring in more adults, & too often they’re right. We have to support good quality, decent family films when they make them. It seems Hollywood will never learn, though. Sorry to babble so much, & THANKS!
I was so stunned by the movie, that the next day I started looking up reviews on-line and there weren’t many negative, other than some said it was “preachy” (talk about understatement) - the only reviewer who got it really right was Michael Medved.

I was surprised the US Catholic Bishops review was so positive, as was Movie Mom. It’s kind of a sad statement really, that because part of the movie was cute, they could ignore what was the real intent of the movie.

I’ve read discussion boards where people excuse what this movie did because there are issues in there that kids need to learn and my answer to that is yes, of course they do, but there’s a child friendly, age appropriate way to do it.

I’m not an ultra conservative nut, but this was was such an underhanded way to ambush the parents and kids - they clearly had an agenda and wanted to find a way to trick parents - that’s what I have a huge issue with.
I grew up in the days of Captin Planet…and I’m not a eco-nut…I think people underestimate kids in alot of ways. Captin Planet was probably the most blatent eco-biased show that was created, yet it didn’t made me want to save the earth, just to do my best.
In our days of mass-consumerism there really isn’t anything wrong with blaming society in genral.
And, on different channels the ads were different. I saw alot of ads about Happy Feet having to save the penguins.
We have the movie in 3-D at out IMAX. I’ll have to ask my daughter what she thinks (the mother of my grandchildren) My daughter always knows the right way to direct my grandchildren. I really appreciate your reviews, I just thought it was an upbeat cartoon about penguins!
That guy does prattle on, doesn’t he? Someone never taught him the philosophy of getting to the point.
Thank you for reminding me why I don’t read “Ain’t It Cool” anymore. 😃 If you thought the reviewer used some salty language, you should read the talkbacks following his review. It seems about half the posters earned Honorary Doctorates from the Elton John School of Religious Tolerance.
I tend to believe MIchael Medved’s comments:
“once the word-of-mouth kicks in, watch for the quick box-office collapse of “Happy Feet.” No other recent release so richly deserves to fail. Perhaps that all-but-inevitable rejection will send a message that the American people don’t welcome the idea that our entertainment-crazed kids should be held hostage to the political agendas, dark obsessions and dishonest marketing campaigns of irresponsible filmmakers and unscrupulous studios.”
Our 24 year old daughter (a young woman of very strong faith) and several friends went to see it last night - at a drive in too - anyway, it was a double feature. She got there and relized she didn’t have any money with her, so a friend paid for it. She said she was so glad! She didn’t waste her money, she said it was a waste of time. Don’t worry, she will treat her friend another time, she appreciated the generosity, but didn’t appreciate the movie at all.
Wow. I’ll make sure my sister knows so she doesn’t take her two older kids. I’m planning to take my nieces to see Charlotte’s Web and my sister’s kids to Santa Clause 3. Those movies are rated ‘G’.
I tend to believe MIchael Medved’s comments:
“once the word-of-mouth kicks in, watch for the quick box-office collapse of “Happy Feet.” No other recent release so richly deserves to fail. Perhaps that all-but-inevitable rejection will send a message that the American people don’t welcome the idea that our entertainment-crazed kids should be held hostage to the political agendas, dark obsessions and dishonest marketing campaigns of irresponsible filmmakers and unscrupulous studios.”
Warning: Spoilers below…

I just read Mr. Medved’s review of Happy Feet, and I have to wonder if he actually watched the movie. I saw it last night, and was very impressed with it for the most part (the visuals and the soundtrack are spectacular!). I did not like the overt anti-religion theme, but other than that I don’t agree with anything Mr. Medved wrote. He got so much of the plot wrong in his review that the rest of the review carried no weight what-so-ever. The most egregious error in his “review” is that the inamorata of (the supposedly gay, according to Medved) Mumbles is married to a fat slob of a penguin and has dozens of children. First, if Mumbles is in love with and wants to marry a female penguin, he is not gay. Second, the female, named Gloria, is not married to anyone and has no offspring. She very clearly states that “her kids” are her students, and she is not married to the other teacher.

Just my 2 cents. I can say I will likely be buying this movie when it comes out on DVD, if only for the music and dancing.
I went to see the movie with my mom. It was everything a movie should be…humor, romance, drama, care for others over self.
There are some rather tastefully done, especally when it comes to the FACT that we are overfishing. It really could of been worse.
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