This guy seems like a bit of a nutter. I hated the animated disney movie “Spirit” for it’s blatent attack on the settlers of America, and its phony idealistic portrial of indians. The movie acted as if the the indians were not hunters!!! And even if they were they killed one buffalo…maybe…
** spoilers**
Happy Feet, which I will be seeing, sounds like a good movie.
Insted of seeing the “Giant Penguin in the Sky” as God…what about if its “Secularism”…wow that makes ALOT more sence. Secularism that hides itself from true evils and reality. Secularism that sais that evil dosn’t exist and tries to blame it on the persons who know the truth. We live in a world of conformity where one who tries to change, tries to stand out, and tries to come to the TRUTH is ostracized and blamed on bad in the world. Why are their abotions? Cause the Catholics don’t like birth control. Why do families break apart? Cause the christians can’t accept homosexual children. Why is our world starving? Becuase Catholic have too many children!!!
See…just as Happy Feet’s charater Mumble, is blamed on the starvation, christian-catholics are blamed on what’s wrong with our society.
The giant penguin in the sky being God…PISH…its an idol, its false. It would be a silly representiation of our GOD becuause mass culture dosn’t follow God. Mass culture wants to break away. If the story was about Mumble being the last one to believe in the penguin in the sky and then repenting his ways…THEN I’d believe it was an affront to Christendom.
See, beucause my God isn’t in the sky. The only gods in the sky are skyscrapers and airplanes and private jets, all an impact of a get-rich-quick society.
Also, the “aliens” see penguins as usless and in the way…hmm we have a moslem culture that sees US in America as usless and even dangerous to their ideals.