What's unauthorised renting?

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I do understand unauthorised copying of music/ DVDs, but what is unauthorised renting? How does it make legal to rent DVDs from a library?
I’d assume that the library and places like Blockbuster have some sort of permission to ‘rent’ videos.

So I couldn’t just amass a video collection and charge my neighbors to rent them.

Now that I say that out loud, that kinda makes me angry. It’s like they make their money once by selling you the VHS/DVD but God forbid you should make any money unless of course you give them a cut.

Oh well.

I used to hang around a small college and they’d have a movie night where someone would rent a movie and about 10 people would all watch it. Apparently that’s illegal. It’s ok if it’s spontaneous but they couldn’t advertise movie night in the commons.
Our public library “lends” movies and books, but it does not charge a fee for each use. I think if they charged a fee for the movies it would be “unauthorized rental” unless they had some kind of agreement with the movie distributors like a video store. To be positive on the exact limits, I believe that someone would have to look up the laws relating to movie distribution and use of copyrighted intellectual property which can be a pretty complicated area of law.
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