In Catholic circles, I often hear the idea of positivism denounced and discredited as bad philosophy. But I don’t see a problem with it, to a point. Telling someone to “just believe” is not a good argument. On the contrary, “just have faith” sounds like something a person with something to hide would say.
There is only one statement made by the late Christopher Hitchens I agree with (called “Hitchens’ Razor”): “what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
There is plenty of proof for the existence of God, the Truth of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, and the authenticity of the Catholic Church. So why disparage positivism if we have nothing to hide or be afraid of?
Granted, evidence is seldom airtight, and demanding the proof always be perfect is a tall order. But claims need to be backed up with some remedial proof.
There is only one statement made by the late Christopher Hitchens I agree with (called “Hitchens’ Razor”): “what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
There is plenty of proof for the existence of God, the Truth of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, and the authenticity of the Catholic Church. So why disparage positivism if we have nothing to hide or be afraid of?
Granted, evidence is seldom airtight, and demanding the proof always be perfect is a tall order. But claims need to be backed up with some remedial proof.