What's your favorite before meal prayer?

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I have a simple grace I say…but would like to learn some others, please let me know what your favorite is.
We say…

Thank you dear Lord for these, Thy gifts, that we are about to recieve. From thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

But I prefer…

Dear Father God, to thee we pray. Please bless the food we eat today. Remember those who may have none and please provide for everyone.

When I have a family of my own, I don’t plan on using a regular prayer that becomes meaningless. I want to pray like we normally would…if that makes sense lol
We generally combine the “Bless us oh Lord…” and “May the souls of the faithfull departed…” prayers. I think a lot of people do this. Its not to original I know, but it’s something all the kids (except the 11 month old) can say together so its nice.
I have a simple grace I say…but would like to learn some others, please let me know what your favorite is.
old fashioned…(bless us O’Lord…)… 👍
I use the “Bless us, O Lord” prayer as well. I don’t think it has become meaningless. When my family eats together, we always say it out loud, and we try to keep it slow and reverent (not always easy with 4 ravenous males at the table!). I like that we always use the same prayer, as it’s been ingrained into me to say it before I eat, I don’t usually forget. In fact, I find myself saying Grace sometimes before I eat a second helping, or even when I pour a glass of soda!
We generally combine the “Bless us oh Lord…” and “May the souls of the faithfull departed…” prayers. I think a lot of people do this. Its not to original I know, but it’s something all the kids (except the 11 month old) can say together so its nice.
We do the same. 😃
My 4 year old loves to sing and this is a singing and clapping grace before meals. Since I can’t sing it for you here, you have to make up your own tune but here are the words.
Oh the Lord is good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need, the rain, the sun, and the apple seed, the Lord is good to me. Amen, Amen, Amen,Amen,Amen, AAAAAAmen.
The one i use to say in Pre-School

“God is Good, God is Great, Thank you for our food today, Amen”

And the one i learned in Catholic School

“Bless us oh Lord in these thy gifts in which we are about to recieve, from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen”
:bowdown2: God is great, God is good, and we thank Him for our food, By His hands we all are fed, Thank you Lord for (our) daily bread. Amen. :blessyou:
I like :
Now my plate is full
But soon it will be gone
God thank you for this food
And please bless those with none.

but my kid prefer
Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you for the friends we meet
Thank you for the times we play
Thank you for this happy day
Most of the times, I use

"Thank You Jesus."

For special occassions, I compose one on the spot.
I love the prayer hymn by Johann Scheffler, “the Silesian Angel” (*1624 + 1677) ; he was a German Lutheran physician who later converted to Catholicism. We often sang it at table in Germany.

Jesus’ mercy never fails;
This we prove at ev’ry meal.
Lord, we thank Thee for Thy grace,
Glady join to sing Thy praise;
For the gifts Thou dost bestow
Can refresh and cheer us too;
But no gift can to the heart
Be what Thou, our Savior, art.

Also :
“Come, Lord Jesus, our Guest to be
And bless these gifts bestowed by Thee.
Bless our loved ones everywhere
And keep them in Thy loving care.”

by Nicolaus Ludwig, Count von Zinzendorf (*1700+1760)

Also Psalm 145: 15:

“The eyes of all wait upon You, O Lord; and you give them their food in due season; you open wide Your hand and satisfy the needs of every living creature.”
My paryer before meals is a little different each time I eat, (by the way I pary before each meal, even a snack, wherever I am).

I start by asking the Lord to bless my Mom and family & then for myself then I insert any special intentions, that I have at that time. Then I ask God to bless my food and all those who helped tp prepare and serve my meal, right down the line to the farmers and truckers ( I don’t acually mention all of them - the list would be almost infinite, but I do mentaly include ALL of them.) Of course I begin and end with the sign of the cross.

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