So, what does everyone think about spanking?
I am with you 100% on the food treats, Spiritblows! I should have mentioned that the treat was usually (but not always) something non-edible such as a new hair clip or something like that. Inexpensive, but still something I was devastated at having lost through my disobedience.Dear Catholic Sam,
You make a good point. I do question using food treats as rewards however, because I think it might contribute to bad eating habits down the road. Obesity in our population is a big problem and I think we should not use food treats as rewards. Just my opinion of course, I haven’t read any studies substantiating my theory.
This is a good point. Each child is different; has different needs; and responds to different things. As the father of eight, I can state quite definitively that with some of my kids, just a sharp look or a “Dad is disappointed” was much worse than had I spanked them! (A couple of my kids have even told me this themselves – a “just spank me and be done with it, but don’t be disappointed”.)As bad a punishment that spanking was for me as a child (I mean, as much as I would dread it), there was something worse. After I misbehaved at the doctor’s office, the grocery store, Mass, or wherever, my mom sometimes would tell me “You didn’t behave well at all! I was looking forward to buying you a treat if you did well, but now I won’t be able to.” This would absolutely break my heart!! I had such regret at not behaving and would cry all the way home. But then, when I did behave well, my mom would always tell me how happy she was that I behaved, and sometimes she would get me a treat. You can’t just tell the kid they messed up, you have to give positive reinforcement as well. I do hold an old-fashioned view of spanking, though.
JGheen said:“Time outs” sound great in theory until you actually meet a child in reality.
I was spanked when I was young and it helped ( I guess) and remeber many times I said how little it hurt and how much I regreted saying that… it all depends…I know that I deserved it every once in a while. It always set me straight, even the threat of a spanking would do the trick.