When can I receive the Eucharist again?

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I got married outside the church while under some outside pressure at the time. I haven’t received the Eucharist since the marriage 9 years ago. It has been unbearable for me to not be able to receive the Eucharist. I have been suffering greatly about this. Recently, my husband left me and my two kids, without notice. We are trying to go to counseling but my husand is dragging his feet/unmotivated. While he is out of the household I’m wondering if I can go to confession and begin receiving the Eucharist? Do I need to have a full divorce to receive the Eucharist? If I’m divorced am I able to receive the Eucharist after a good confession? What circumstances would allow me to be in full reconciliation with the church?
Please speak with your priest, he will help you with a roadmap back to the Eucharist. You are in my prayers at this difficult time. Divorce is not a Catholic thing. If your marriage was one not Catholic approved , I think abstaining from intimate relations is the key. But a priest will know .

You can go to confession any time 🐏
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Yes, please contact your Priest. And go to confession for confession’s sake.
I think that now would be a good idea to meet with a priest and talk to him about your situation. If there is going to be a reconciliation I think it would be a good idea to get your marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church.
Schedule an appointment with your priest and discuss these matters with him.
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