Ok this question has always been in my head. Now please note that I am not a fundamentalist where I believe Adam and Eve were created roughly 6000 years ago(ish) and that the World was created in 7 days…I find the creation story more along the lines of an early explanation.
So that out of the way, if human evolution and evolution in general holds true when did the first people start having a chance to meet God and make it to heaven. I would assume the earliest humans were much like other animals where they just tried to survive, say 200k years ago. But has it ever been thought of when God started saving people? When did he decide ok well these ones are now the ones I want to reveal myself to and start saving? And did everyone prior to that just die and slip into nothingness like perhaps a dog or cat may do when they die? I am honestly trying to gather what others think on this subject…if they have any opinion at all? It has always been something I wondered about.
So that out of the way, if human evolution and evolution in general holds true when did the first people start having a chance to meet God and make it to heaven. I would assume the earliest humans were much like other animals where they just tried to survive, say 200k years ago. But has it ever been thought of when God started saving people? When did he decide ok well these ones are now the ones I want to reveal myself to and start saving? And did everyone prior to that just die and slip into nothingness like perhaps a dog or cat may do when they die? I am honestly trying to gather what others think on this subject…if they have any opinion at all? It has always been something I wondered about.