When do I have to obey my parents

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Earlier today, my dad told me I should showering downstairs (really odd story— im still a teenagers btw, but I usually take a shower upstairs because my bedroom is upstairs right next to the bathroom, plus the shower is better).

It wasn’t because there was anything wrong with the bathroom upstairs, it’s simply because he thought my sisters should have their own bathroom (even though we have all shared the bathroom for years and haven’t had much problems at all)

To me, it seems so unnecessary. Is this something I really have to obey? Im sure he wouldn’t be angry or upset, so should I just do it?
I mean it is probably not the worst idea. I have shared a bathroom with my sister’s but if they wanted their own I would understand. If you really have a problem with it speak to your dad but if it is not an issue just do what he says. He is just trying to what is right for you all. Women especially deserve a degree of privacy and space if it is possible in my opinion.
Two bathrooms? Eee, you’re lucky…we had a tin bath in front of coal fire.

And I wasn’t joking about the tin bath. We didn’t have a bathroom (or internal toilet) until I was 15. Don’t sweat the small stuff, buddy. As a teenager there’s a lot coming your way that’ll make which bathroom you use a non event.

And support your dad. If he’s got teenage daughters then he’s going to need all the help he can get over the next few years. He won’t need an argument over which shower head works best…
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Are you a minor? Is it his house? If the answer to either question is “Yes” then you need to do what your dad says.

It’s also a perfectly reasonable request that your two sisters have their own bathroom, given that there are two bathrooms in the house. There’s privacy concerns especially as kids grow older, and it can be hard from a practical standpoint for three people to all share a bathroom and have adequate time for everything they think they need to do in there. If the shower in the downstairs bathroom does not work as well, maybe ask your dad if it could be upgraded.
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I would say yes, you’d have to obey.

It can be annoying to accommodate your siblings. If you feel strongly about this, you can ask ‘why’ or ask if the girls could go down if they wanted their own (in my house, whoever that wants something would have to make the changes, not enforce them).

But at the end of the day he has the final say. If you think questioning would make things worse for you, don’t obviously. Some dads can tolerate that, others would freak out. So use your discretion.

Side note though, I shared my bathroom with brothers all throughout my life and there was no issue with it. If the shower is occupied and somebody needed to shower ASAP, they’ll just go to the other bathroom (we have 2 bathrooms).

Seems like your dad might just want the girls to hurry up and get on with their day.
We are not permitted on CAF to tell minors to disobey their parents, unless perhaps it is a matter of life or death such as his father telling him to take a gun and shoot his sister. The OP says he is a teenager, so he may be a minor.
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OP, what is the big deal? Your father asked you to do something, you know why he asked you, and it is not an unreasonable request.

It’s just a shower. Do as you are asked and shower downstairs.
Jesus Christ, our True God, was obedient to Mary and Joseph. He was also obedient to His Heavenly Father.
Be like Jesus, and obey the Fourth Commandment of the Decalogue: Honor thy father and mother.
Deacon Christopher
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