When does over eating become a mortal Sin?

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I have heard that not all over eating is a mortal sin, so I was just wondering when does over eating turn into Gluttony (a deadly sin) ?
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I’m not 100% sure how but the catechism seems to indicate that Gluttony is a “capital” sin (a sin which leads to further sin). Given that it is not in itself a serious matter (in the sense of harming god or harming others) I personally doubt it in itself is a mortal sin, but could lead to mortal sins being commited. Although I could be wrong. I’m not sure how the mortal sins could be commited, but the saints seem to indicate that monks who couldn’t control their diets couldn’t control their morals, yet at other times their were known to be fat monks walking around.
When you begin to believe that your desire to eat or drink certain foods or quantity of food is more important than others’ abilities to get enough food for themselves, or when you use your own desire for food to justify theft, including wage theft. Some would argue that knowingly purchasing food products that are obtained through cruel or inhumane practices toward animals such as shark fin soup, or even other people such as companies that utilize child labor. I think we all saw a true example of gluttony when people were ridiculously stuffing their shopping carts with quantities of food they could never eat, making it so other people couldn’t find bread and milk. I was shopping at Trader Joe and it was quite picked over. Even so, there was a family that was literally stuffing every thing they could fit in their carts. I had to ask the lady if she could part with a bag of frozen corn, which she did hand over, but she had literally taken ALL of them. She literally had at least a dozen bags of frozen corn in her cart! Then when I went out to the car, she and her family were trying to figure out how to put the food in their car. They had to take the stuff out of the bags in order to stuff it under the seats of their minivan. I have no idea how they planned to get it all in the freezer. That, in my opinion, would be an example of gluttony.
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