When family turns

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A hard cross to bear, but I trust in God that the Holy Spirit is working somehow, tho I do not see the way. Has anyone here had family turn away perhaps because of your faith, even tho they may not even realize that is what is happening? People who do not live in Christ do not understand how it works, what or who is influencing them
I’m trying to understand. Do you mean they’ve turned away from you because of your Catholicism?
DH and I have had family members on both sides turn on us because we were too “up tight” about our faith. Well, we stood firm to the teachings of the church, and we were pretty much shunned by our families. So, it hurts, but we feel the best way to get to Heaven is through following all the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Yes, I was referring to this. It is hard to live out your faith and be around secular people sometimes. I do not push with words, but I do practice my faith and live it out, never hiding, but I just don’t push with words. I push with my life. that being said, I have thought sometimes others can not like you or they may feel convicted on some level. and not even know why.
before I had a deep conversion, well I just never saw things. about myself, or life or God…especially about God.
Jesus…when he comes he never leaves things , or a person, the same as they were.
It sounds like the problem is theirs then. 🙂

I have a random daily bible verse email I’m signed up for - and this mornings verse seems a little fitting here… I’ll cut and paste it!

“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”

–Matthew 16:26

Keep living your life of faith… be strong! Hugs!!!
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Scripture is clear, our lives as Catholics are supposed to attract people, draw people to our Faith. We are to do good works, let those shine, be salt and a light on a hill. Take time to consider if you are being the example of love and joy that the Bible teaches us to be.
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