When "human life" begins

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I’d like to get your thoughts on a discussion i had with a pro-choicer on when “human life” begins. Below is our conversation. I mention the scientific definition of life a lot because hes a militant atheist


“Is it life if it relies on another human to sustain it? If it can survive on it’s own outside the womb then yes, if it can’t then it really isn’t it’s own life, it is part of the mother”


“Wow that’s definitely not the scientific definition of life. An unborn child is growing by cellular reproduction, converting nutrients into energy, and responds to stimuli so its definitely alive. This is just a round about way of saying that unborn children live with the assistance of their mothers (just as newborns can only live with assistance from their mothers or other humans). Unborn children are (1) alive, (2) human, and (3) whole organisms. They are a new distinct living human organism, not a body part of the mother.”


“Naa, can’t live on its own. It doesn’t have sovereignty.”

A different pro lifer

“Viruses need a host to survive too…Are they not life then? Totally playing devil’s advocate. if we found them on Mars, we would totally call it life.”


“So you’re ok with killing newborns, infants, and todlers?”


“No ,because they can’t survive without the umbilicus. Once they can, they are sovereign.”


“That still falls under what I said about the child not being able to live without the mothers support. A newborn is no less dependent on its mother, it just uses different methods now instead of the umbilical cord”


“No, because I could care for a newborn. It would survive without mom.”


"Earlier I said “just as newborns can only live with assistance from their mothers or [other humans]”

The point is a newborn wouldn’t survive without assistance of another human. Without such it would be completely as helpless as an unborn child.

In either case you’re not following the scientific definition of life. Their dependence on their mother or any other human has no baring on whether they are considered alive or a life"


“It is to me. Pro choice 4 lyfe”


“So you just throw science out the door…”


“That’s one side of science, my argument is valid.”


“I’m sorry but your argument is completely arbitrary and unscientific. All it does is discriminates a human being based on their location (the womb), their stage of development (fetus vs infant), and their dependency on other human beings. Completely not valid”


“It’s scientific. Life is not sovereign at the stage of life that requires an umbilicus. Fact. End of story. You can say what you want but it’s a simple truth. That baby cannot exist on its own anymore than your hand.”


“Lol but a newborn “cannot exist on its own anymore than your hand.” Without the assistance from another human. The fact is that a child before and immediately after birth is still alive, a member of the human species, and a complete organism”


"Of course a human embryo is considered life. But it is not considered a human life.

To take a human life is murder. You are equating a bacteria with a fetus, since they are both life. You kill the bacteria in milk by pasteurizing it. That is taking life. Are you arguing that someone who pasteurizes milk is a murderer? You kill the bacteria on a chicken by roasting it. Are you arguing that cooking a chicken is murder?

The open question is when a human life begins. When life (in general) becomes human life (in particular). I have seen three definitions that all seem to come to a similar conclusion:

Genesis 2:7 (KJV) “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

To quote from ROE v. WADE, (1973): “With respect to the State’s important and legitimate interest in potential life, the “compelling” point is at viability. This is so because the fetus then presumably has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother’s womb.” The decision also notes: “Viability is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks”

Modern science has come up against the limit of fetal survivability in that a baby that is born prematurely with undeveloped lungs has a poor chance of survival. In this sense also, the breath of life is the indicator when a life becomes a human life. This generally happens about 33 weeks of pregnancy, give or take. Nowadays we have artificially pushed this back, but that does not change the fact that a fetus with an undeveloped lung is not capable of the breath of life by itself"

“umm if the parents of the embryo belong to the human species then the embryo is human life. The embryo would contain human genetic code, human DNA. Approx 46 chromosomes. How can you say its not human? Bacteria is obviously not human because it doesn’t contain human DNA.”


“Can’t breath, can’t live =not human life.”


“If you give bacteria nutrients, a proper environment and time, its never going to grow into an adult member of the human species, but a human embryo will”


“I don’t care about the bacterial portion of this. I care about how we define human life.”


“Haha ok I’ve already described the scientific definition of life and by all means an unborn child at any stage will meet that”


“Human life. 25 weeks and under is a part of the mom. Part of the mom equals not sovereign. Not human life. Not anything.”


“Right and I showed how the unborn child at any stage is part of the human species and therefore is a human life. Its human and its life”


“Just soup that can maybe become a person sometime. The same way single cells evolved into humans. Nope, you’re stretching . Just because it one day could be human life doesn’t mean it is.”


“you’d have to show how (a) are not biologically human (a member of the species which contains human DNA) and (b) are not alive to say they are not human life. And you haven’t done either”


“No you don’t. Not with how I, and many other people (majority) are defining life.”
The embryo is dependent on the maternal body, but is in no way part of her; if it were, her body would never reject the embryo, as happens in the Rh syndrome.

The embryo has s distinct genetic makeup than mommy. It is a separate life.

BTW, defining autonomous life-ability as the cutoff for personhood would mean blocking out s number of adult persons, such as Stephen Hawking, who cannot live without the services of others to compensate for the deficiencies of their embodiments.

The placenta and umbilical cord are genetically the babies’, not the mother’s. The mother has no right to interfere with the functioning of these organs.

"Sovereign’’ is not a scientific descriptor of any lifeform. It would not be valid. Every living thing relates to other living things within an ecosystem. By this thinking, all symbiotes must be destroyed. That would reek all sorts of kaos on the real world.

As for “No you don’t. Not with how I, and many other people (majority) are defining life.” All I can say is the mind is like a parachute, it works best when open. This poor fellow is about to crash and burn.

Reality is not a democracy. Either something is true or it isn’t. A hundred years ago most (believed) that Africans were inferior and that they were happy to be slaves. They were wrong.

So when you agree with the majority even when they’re wrong, all you’ve proven is you’re with stupid.
Nice work Shaolen.

First of all, I would remind him, deep down inside, he knows this is a living being and it is of human species.

I might follow this up by asking him what he (she?) thinks might happen if he were to destroy a nest with California Condor eggs in it.

He will reply, that would be a tragedy. It would be destroying a protected species. He might even add it would be a felony.

Here I’d probably say something such as, “I agree.”.

At this point (if you ask the question in this discussion context), he will also then attempt to justify himself and his argument.

Look at him in the eye while saying a brief prayer for him, and then (not condescendingly, but also so he KNOWS you don’t affirm his rationalization) say something like, “Ah huh.”

At that point I would not add anything to the discussion (so he focuses on what you just told him).

I would come up with a reason to leave at that juncture, (or if that is impractical: i. e. a car ride), or I would leave a very long rhetorical pause. Maybe several minutes.

This is to help him focus on what you just told him. (I’d pray for him during that time too–and later also of course).

He will have to meditate on what you just told him, and you will help him by your prayer and fasting too (even trivial fasting like give up candy or something for the rest of the day and offer it to Jesus’, on behalf of your friend).

Some will object and say: “It’s up to the Holy Spirit!”

Well it IS up to the Holy Spirit, but since Grace builds upon nature, the small frequent discussions where you hold fast to truth will effect him over time (in a natural way. The Holy Spirit and cooperation of his free will, will need to provide the rest).

It may be for the worse (“I can’t stand Shaolen and his “rigidity”” and thus he may choose to harden his own heart).

Or it may be for the better (“I think Shaolen may be right here. I will continue to listen to other things Shaolen has to say.”)

God bless and keep defending life.

All I can say is, this guy is so far out in left field, he has left the ball park as far as scientific knowledge goes.
One would have to talk to him as to a child, because he’s not open to rational discussion.

I like Fr Spitzer’s definition of a human:
"a human life is life that belongs to a being of human origin. I can map out the entire genome of a single celled human zygote and tell you for certain that it will develop into a human being with human capacities.”

What DNA is seems like a philosophical question. But once you say that all organs are needed for a human life, then what about partial birth abortion? They haven’t had the experience of birth yet. What about a sucking infant? Is letting go of the mom’s milk the start of life? As far as I know, the Church teaches that abortion is wrong because a human life will come from it and we don’t know when the soul is infused philosophically. When Obama says in an interview “I don’t know when life begins, and I don’t think anybody does”, it’s like “so you are for a practice because of doubts!”. When in doubt, something serious like an abortion can NEVER be done. Everything else leads to theories like unlawful slavery, racism, forced woman circumcisions, ect :mad:
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