does anyone know when anger becomes a sin, and when it becomes a grave sin? Is it alright to wish harm or death of someone else then realize what you are doing and stop?
This would be very different for different people, since only you can know what you realize in this matter.does anyone know when anger becomes a sin, and when it becomes a grave sin? Is it alright to wish harm or death of someone else then realize what you are doing and stop?
This is my position - when in doubt, always bring it up.All sin questions are best discussed with your confessor.
If the thoughts of wishing someone harm or death are random thoughts they are probably not grave. As humans, we often have thoughts that will pop in our heads, and as long as we dismiss them in a swift manner they are not grave. As long as you don’t keep the thoughts in your head, fantasize, and take pleasure in such thoughts I do not believe they are grave. When in doubt you can always ask a priest.does anyone know when anger becomes a sin, and when it becomes a grave sin? Is it alright to wish harm or death of someone else then realize what you are doing and stop?