I’d like some opinions on when is the right time to have children within a marriage. I’m currently engaged and my fiance and I are finding it quite a dilemma. As I understand it, according to Catholic principles one can use NFP to plan a family but should only avoid pregnancy for ‘grave reasons’.
My personal situation is this: I am studying for a degree and don’t want to waste that by not really having much of a career once I graduate. It’s not so much that I’m career-driven - at heart I’m a ‘home and hearth’ kinda girl but I would worry that I was missing out on something, or that my husband would feel too burdened by the responsibilty of being the only provider.
Just to clarify, I know that having kids and working aren’t totally incompatible but once I start a family I will want that to be my top priority, so a career will have to go on the back burner.
Any advice on how to approach this? Do you think I’m I placing too much importance on career? Does wanting to experience the working life for a few years constitute a good enough reason to delay pregnancy, or is it selfish/misplaced priorities?
Thanks for any insight you can give me! Sorry this post is so long!
I’d like some opinions on when is the right time to have children within a marriage. I’m currently engaged and my fiance and I are finding it quite a dilemma. As I understand it, according to Catholic principles one can use NFP to plan a family but should only avoid pregnancy for ‘grave reasons’.
My personal situation is this: I am studying for a degree and don’t want to waste that by not really having much of a career once I graduate. It’s not so much that I’m career-driven - at heart I’m a ‘home and hearth’ kinda girl but I would worry that I was missing out on something, or that my husband would feel too burdened by the responsibilty of being the only provider.
Just to clarify, I know that having kids and working aren’t totally incompatible but once I start a family I will want that to be my top priority, so a career will have to go on the back burner.
Any advice on how to approach this? Do you think I’m I placing too much importance on career? Does wanting to experience the working life for a few years constitute a good enough reason to delay pregnancy, or is it selfish/misplaced priorities?
Thanks for any insight you can give me! Sorry this post is so long!