When Satan tempts us what is our angel doing?

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When we are tempted by Satan and (or) the demons what is going on with our guardian angel, do they distract him/her or can they over power our guardian angel or does our angel just sit back and watch?
I’m not sure what our guardian angel is doing but I don’t think they are just sitting there doing nothing while this happens. I remember a story about Padre Pio being physically attacked by the devil and after all of it he said to his guardian angel “where were you through all of this?” and was disappointed that his guardian angel did not do anything about the attack. The guardian angel looking sadly at him replied with something like “I love you and will always love you.” Food for thought on this topic.

When we are tempted by Satan and (or) the demons what is going on with our guardian angel, do they distract him/her or can they over power our guardian angel or does our angel just sit back and watch?
Dear friend

Your Guardian Angel will not be disobedient to the will of God. Therefore if it is for your benefit and to the benefit of other souls either on earth or in purgatory to endure some sufferance in the form of temptation, then your Guardian Angel will assist by upholding your endurance of such terrible sufferings and love you. Remember how the Angels ministered to our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane.

We must always pray to our Guardian Angels everyday and send them frequently to the throne of God with blessings, thanks and praise to God. We must thank our Guardian Angels and love them in return. We must send our Guardian Angels to places we cannot always be, to a friend in need, to pray and adore before the Monstrance or before the Blessed Sacrament on our behalf, to minister to the sick and dying etc etc etc.

Our Guardian Angels are often neglected and God in His infinite Mercy and Kindness has granted us such beautiful spirits to be at our servicein friendship and in accordance with His Holy Will, therefore we accept everything if we pray always in accordance to God’s will, as everything is blessing, though whilst enduring temptation, trial and suffering it is very easy to lose sight of the fact that it is always a blessing.

Ask your Guardian Angel to console and minister to you according to the Holy Will of our Most Beautiful, Kind and Merciful God.

Ask God to help you to live in close friendship with your Guardian Angel.

Remaining in my prayers,

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

did you ever teach one of your kids to ride a bike? did you get to the point where you have to let go, let the kid ride, learn to balance, and possibly fall? where were you when your child fell? right there beside her to pick her up. did she learn from the experience? yes.
When we are tempted by Satan and (or) the demons what is going on with our guardian angel, do they distract him/her or can they over power our guardian angel or does our angel just sit back and watch?
** The guardian angels “whispers” in our ears to figtht the temptation, but if we don’t listen, we get so used to the whispering that we don’t hear it any more. We must train ourselves to hear it!!





O Holy Angel, attendant of my wretched soul and of mine afflicted life, forsake me not, a sinner, neither depart from me for mine inconstancy. Give no place to the evil demon to subdue me with the oppression of this mortal body; but take me by my wretched and outstretched hand, and lead me in the way of salvation.
Yea, O holy Angel of God, the guardian and protector of my hapless soul and body, forgive me all things whatsoever wherewith I have troubled thee, all the days of my life, and if I have sinned in anything this day.

Shelter me in this present night, and keep me from every affront of the enemy, lest I anger God by any sin; and intercede with the Lord in my behalf, that He might strengthen me in the fear of Him, and make me a worthy servant of His goodness. Amen.
Your Guardian Angel is feeding your conscience with the cause of right. Hence the reason why attacks of satan are battles.

Satan wants you to go against God, your Angel is informing you and encouraging you to go for God hence the reason why we have such an interior battle.

We are simply the battle ground.
Aye, Fergal, well said!

Was it Fulton Sheen who pointed out that our gaurdian angel tempts us to do good?

I suppose we will behold the history of our battle with awe, once we are able to see the whole of it after we pass away. How frightful and glorious it will seem to us then! How horrible the realization that we contributed to other’s sin, and how sublime our realization that those nameless others who offered their suffering merited for us certain graces! Perhaps we will see all of the prayers that we said and that people have said for us, as well as all the actions of our guardian angel. We certainly will be moved with love for our angel, and for God who provided for us.
A gentle reminder to remember the Guardian Angels of our children. I rewrote this prayer from an older prayer I had found. I hope no one is real attached to the original prayer, I kind of personalized this to suit my struggles as a mom.

****A Mother’s Prayer ********

Oh faithful, heavenly Friends of my children,

I give you heartfelt thanks for all the love and care you give them.

With you as their spiritual guide, you perfect my care and guidance for each child.

Our Creator has commanded you to be their constant companions because of His awesome love for all children – even mine.

Continue to watch over my children.

Help them ever to stay on the path of righteousness that leads to Heaven.

Pray, likewise, for me, that I may be a Godly mother and wife.

Please ask the angels of my husband, and entire family, to be faithful and true to their mission.

Until that day when we all may rejoice in the blessed presence of our Lord,

I promise to give you thanks

and offer prayers for your strength and aid.

I read some time ago that during times of temptation, our Gaurdian Angel is fighting for us. I can’t remember where I read this, but a person ( I think it was a saint) was under temptation and they saw their angel in battle with a demon over that particular soul. But, we must always remember that it is up to us to reject the temptation, as our angel will never force us into anything. They, like God, respect our free choice. That doesn’t stop them from fighting for us though!
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