Hi all. As my name says I am learning to be Catholic, I have no Catholic background, as some of you may have read in my other post I am going to be starting RCIA next month. My question is my partner and I have been living together for 4 years now and are going to be getting married in the church if everything goes as planned I was married before but have already talked to the Father and he says the annulment will be no problem we just have to wait on my fiances Baptism Certificate to get here from Mexico so we can get started. I don’t feel like I can go to confession right now because of my living situation because I don’t think you should confess something you know you are going to do again. Am I right? Also does anyone know if we will have to wait until I finish RCIA before we can marry or since I am going to be in RCIA will it be acceptable for us to go ahead and be married. The Father asked me if I had any questions but I was so happy when he told me the annulment would be no problem I forgot all my questions. LOL You guys may understand how I felt when he told me I was so happy that I can become Catholic and get closer to God by living the way I should according to his word and not my will.