When Someone You Love Dies

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Hi guys,
during the past few days (as I joined this site), I have shared with you half of my life and you showed a great interest in some of it. And so, I will also share this very deep story of my life which influenced me and maybe, it might help someone who goes (or went) through a similar ordeal.
In the year 1998 I met this incredible woman (her name was Nina by the way), and I immediately fell in love with her, and she fell in love with me. It was the “first sight” kind of thing, but without later regrets. She came from a Catholic family (her parents are still practicing, her dad is a deacon), but she never really believed in God, she was a chemist by profession. I could never convince her, so we usually avoided the topic and instead of Jesus we discussed Socrates or Beethoven. What is worse, she used to be earlier involved with wicca practices and tarrot and she remained very interested in this New Age movement.

Two years of a total bliss followed and then suddenly she died. From one day to another basically. She contracted a lyme disease and had an unusual reaction to the medication. My entire world collapsed, I was absolutely devastated. I collapsed on the floor of the ICU unit in the hospital where she died.
I started to drink (almost as a stereotype), left the Church and tried to contact her, seeking the assistance of various mediums, tarrot cards and similar nonsense.
Of course I never succeeded. It took the Holy Spirit about one year to bring me back to senses so that now I am pretty much back to my normal self, going about my profession, my faith in God has actually even deepened by this experience, since I suffered greatly (and so did Jesus - except that Jesus suffered for us and our salvation, whereas I suffered only for myself).
I read everything the Catholic Church ever produced on what happens after death (which is remarkably consistent from early fathers down to the new Cathechism).

I am only worried about where she is now…my hope is that she turned in the right direction and accepted Jesus as her personal saviour (to use the protestant linguo). But my fears are that she may not, I just don’t know. (These feelings are based on her occult tendencies mainly) So, all I can do is to pray for her and offer masses for her (which her mom did). Sometimes I feel like she is with me (the feeling of her presence occassionally), but even this is evaporating. I am no longer grieving, I did accept her death and I am continuing with my life.

One can never understand fully the dispair and tragedy of a person who lost his/her loved one, unless he/she himself/herself experiences this. One good thing that came of this this personal trauma is that I feel almost “qualified” to give help to other people with similar experiences.

I would like to ask you (whoever cares about this) to pray to God, and especially to mom (Mother Mary) for Nina, will you do that for me?
Of course I will pray for her.

There is a story, about a woman who’s husband had committed suicide.

Apparently she was distraught b/c she was certian he had gone to hell. The Cure de Ars told her that between the bridge and the water, he repented.

Do not place limits on the mercy of God. 🙂
Yes, Tomas, I will pray for Nina. I promise you.
I appreciate this so very much !!!
Thanks and God bless you my good friend
I will pray for her soul, and your peace of mind. God bless you.
I almost died during chemotherapy 2 years ago. Let me tell you, Dieing without God is soo scary, that if you have even heard of God, you’ll call for Him and He will come and wrap you in Love. Don’t worry. Tim
I almost died during chemotherapy 2 years ago. Let me tell you, Dieing without God is soo scary, that if you have even heard of God, you’ll call for Him and He will come and wrap you in Love. Don’t worry. Tim
I would love to hear more of your story, if you would’t mind. I know it is hard to write about very personal things here, but we learn from each other, I wonder, when you were “dying”, did you experience anything (like presence of God), just curious…for obvious reasons
I think you would find great comfort in the writings of St. Faustina (a modern saint recently canonized by John Paul II). She wrote that Jesus relayed to her that he comes to every soul as it is leaving this world for the next and gives them the chance to accept him or reject him. If your Nina had a good heart, but was just confused, I’m sure when she saw our loving Lord standing before her she fell into his arms in love and joy. I will pray for the repose of her soul.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Eternal rest grant unto Nina, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
I think you would find great comfort in the writings of St. Faustina (a modern saint recently canonized by John Paul II). She wrote that Jesus relayed to her that he comes to every soul as it is leaving this world for the next and gives them the chance to accept him or reject him. If your Nina had a good heart, but was just confused, I’m sure when she saw our loving Lord standing before her she fell into his arms in love and joy. I will pray for the repose of her soul.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Eternal rest grant unto Nina, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
Very nice words!!! I also think the same as you do, that she was given a “last chanche” as as far as I know her, she was a truth searcher. Lets just hope and pray. For all people in this situation, we never know…
hello: tomaskovarik

Sorry for your loss. I have as well as TOP almost succumb to death on a couple of occasions. Each time a little less without God. I was lucky enough to survive. My children weren’t, they died unbaptized and without sin, so they are neither in heaven or hell. My thoughts of them being neither haunts me. Nothing I do can change that.

I can’t offer prayers as I am unable to do that, but I just wanted you to know I understand the horrid blinding pain sudden death can bring.

I would love to hear more of your story, if you would’t mind. I know it is hard to write about very personal things here, but we learn from each other, I wonder, when you were “dying”, did you experience anything (like presence of God), just curious…for obvious reasons
In my 13th week of chemo, I had lost about 30#'s, thrush and swelling in my tongue, bone pain in my shoulders. I was treated in outpatient and was hiding my reactions to chemo so that the Dr’s would not stop treatment. Instead I was eating painkillers, zofrane for nausea, and benadryl to keep breathing. One night the bone pain was so bad, and under alot of pain killers, I passed out and started to spin in vertigo, at the same time feeling a crushing weight getting heavier, then I heard a voice say " Get Up", It took everything I had to “wake up”, after I woke up I had tunnel vision and darkened sight for a few hours and an intense fear. I started to recover after the Dr’s stopped my chemo in my 13th week, but have lived with stable spots on my scans for the past 2 years. I had chaulked all that off as “my” will to survive. Unfortunatly “my will” was uncertain living a life under post chemo surveilance. This past Easter, I cracked and decided to commit suicide. I had lost “most” all my Faith. Thinking I was releasing my family of any further burden and accepting death as an end of torment of unknowing fate. I had talked with my family and apoligized for all I have done wrong to them in the past. Right as I had made it definate in plan. God left me. This I can’t describe except by saying pure terror. I screamed out “God help me, I don’t want to know the truth” I only partially know why I said this. He came instantly, purged me, nothing was said, I didn’t see him, I saw a couple of things about “church” that reminds me of Easter sunrise service, but I felt Pure Love and saw my sin. Now I still struggle from time to time, I want that feeling all the time but it is hard to keep and maintain in this world. My heart is still healing, but now I know it has felt Real Love. It was a Blessing and He spared me. This has changed me forever, and I hope it can be used to strengthen the Faith in others, because at the moment of truth, Faith is powerful. Tim
Because of all this help the Lord has giving me, I have to be careful of my sin, This may be a long process as a surviver, I hope The Lord will keep giving me time to improve my life. I think I was giving a choice, die in sin or live for God. Im still alive. Have faith that He will come nomatter how intense the fear, if any fear should come. Thank you, Tim
Not to go too off topic, but Im sure there is a JW booklet called “When someone you love dies” and they use it as bait for non JWs who they see as potential “converts”.

I have seen the book before but didnt get much time to look it over though so I dont know the details.
I think you would find great comfort in the writings of St. Faustina (a modern saint recently canonized by John Paul II). She wrote that Jesus relayed to her that he comes to every soul as it is leaving this world for the next and gives them the chance to accept him or reject him. If your Nina had a good heart, but was just confused, I’m sure when she saw our loving Lord standing before her she fell into his arms in love and joy. I will pray for the repose of her soul.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Eternal rest grant unto Nina, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
Is this true? I remember reading visions of hell, possibly hers, where the majority of people were falling “headlong” into hell. Given my belief that there is no such thing as an atheist on the foxhole or the deathbed (cliche, I know…), how could there be so many people going to hell?
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